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August 2012

Muslim Brotherhood member President Mohamed Morsi has sacked the senior Egyptian military command, the primary secular counterweight to Islamist fundamentalist control of Egypt. As reported by The Times of Israel: Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi fired Defense Minister Mohammed Hussein Tantawi and Chief of Staff Sami Anan on Sunday afternoon,...

The Choice Election. That seems to be the consensus emerging about how the Ryan pick changes the race. Democrats claim to be ecstatic about it -- it seems to me they are trying much too hard to convince themselves and demoralize us.  There are few if any...

Elizabeth Warren's daughter Amelia Warren Tyagi runs ACORN-successor Demos, which has promoted her mother's political ambitions for years. No surprise when Demos filed suit in May against Massachusetts, and then the Democrats who run the state promptly capitulated and agreed to unprecedented efforts to register welfare...

From frequent photographer Bill: Maybe there is "hope"! St. Petersburg, Florida. ...

More motivated than ever. It might have been that way regardless of the Veep pick, but the immediate attempt by the mainstream media and liberal magazines and newspapers to Palinize Paul Ryan brought back bitter memories of the type which motivated me for the...

Whether the pick of Paul Ryan for Veep was a good pick or a bad pick or something in between is irrelevant at this point. Ryan was the pick. The left-wing writers and bloggers are all over it, portraying the pick as extremist and a cave to...

The choice of Paul Ryan, and the reaction, finally got me off the donation sideline. I just donated to the Romney-Ryan campaign.  And in case you were wondering, maxed out. For the first time in my adult life I was proud to do so. It's not...

It's official, it's going to be Paul Ryan. The Romney Veep App made the announcement earlier this morning, and every news source is reporting it. The decision was made on August 1. The left already is going crazy, but that would have happened regardless of who the...

until November 7, and only if. From reader and frequent photographer Scott: Greetings once again from Raleigh, NC. I spotted this at a stoplight early this afternoon headed to a weekly appointment with my chiropractor who, by the way, insists that "he & his wife did build that"...

Romney will announce the Veep pick Saturday morning at 9 a.m. We'll have coverage here. The Weekly Standard is calling it for Paul Ryan, which means it's either Paul Ryan or the Romney campaign ran a really good feint. NRO is reporting the same: Take note, veep watchers: Earlier...

From a reader: Sorry to bother you, Professor, but I got an e-mail from a Wisconsin Recall Fund (which I don’t remember donating to, but they probably bought my e-mail from a list since I made several donations to Scott Walker and Rebecca Kleefish), asking for...

No one gets rich on his own. No one. In Obama's case, Tony built it. Romney helped a couple buy house? Big deal, so did Tony Rezko…— David Burge (@iowahawkblog) August 10, 2012 ...

The lawsuit by Demos (an ACORN successor), which resulted in Massachusetts voluntarily taking the unprecedented step of mailing registration forms to almost 500,000 welfare recipients and other steps in welfare offices not required by law, is looking more and more like a pro-Elizabeth Warren set-up. The...

If you were to look to the masses to see what stereotypes persist about different states, analyzing the auto-completes that come up in google searches is certainly a creative way to start. The blog No Upside mapped the auto-completes for each state, with some amusing conclusions. Renee DiResta,...