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United Nations Tag

Iranian authorities use electric shocks on gay, lesbian, and transgender children, along with other forms of torture, as a way to "cure" their sexual orientation, a new United Nations report disclosed. 

The disclosure comes as President Biden's administration decided to go easy on Iran's bloody human right record. The Biden staffers have been "silent on Iran’s rights record" as they hope to engage the regime on the nuclear issue, the Voice of America observed recently. 

United Nations inspectors have found new evidence that "Iran has undertaken work on nuclear weapons," the Wall Street Journal reported on Saturday. The UN nuclear watchdog, International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), found traces of radioactive material at Iranian nuclear sites, indicating that the regime is secretly building a nuclear bomb, the report suggests.

The United Nations Secretary-General has told world leaders to declare a climate emergency. "I call on all leaders worldwide to declare a State of Climate Emergency in their countries until carbon neutrality is reached," UN chief Antonio Guterres said on Saturday at a summit marking the fifth anniversary of the 2015 Paris Agreement.

The United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) has singled out Israel for allegedly violating women's rights. The multinational body, which looks after UN's economic and social work, voted 43 to 3  in support of a resolution condemning Israel, the only democracy in the Middle East, for violating women's rights, the Geneva-based watchdog group UN Watch reported on Friday. None of the other 192 member states of the UN were rebuked for its treatment of women.

President Donald Trump has withdrawn the United Stated from the United Nations-led World Health Organisation (WHO). The notification terminating U.S. involvement in the UN agency went out on Monday. The Trump administration had halted funding for the UN health body in April on the grounds of "severely mismanaging and covering up the spread of the coronavirus."

Do not let the United Nations fool you. Although it may have essentially closed its doors in favor of online meetings in the age of coronavirus, its obsessive anti-Israel bias is alive and well. Through its numerous bodies, the UN falsely paints Israeli policy, not COVID-19 itself, as the primary threat to Palestinian health.

The UN Human Rights Council has issued a blacklist of over a hundred companies doing business in Israel's Judea and Samaria region (also referred to as the West Bank). The database published on Wednesday comprises mostly of Israeli firms, but also includes big international names such as Airbnb, Expedia, TripAdvisor, and Motorola.

The U.N. annual climate conference in Madrid failed this weekend. It ran two days long because negotiators could not reach a consensus on how to move forward with carbon emission reductions or climate-based wealth distribution without the compliant United States.

The head of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for "Palestinian Refugees" (UNRWA) has been suspended amid ongoing investigations into widespread corruption under his watch. Internal investigations "revealed management issues which relate specifically to the (UNRWA) Commissioner-General" Pierre Krahenbuhl, a statement issued by the UN said on Wednesday.