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Elon Musk has been in the news a lot lately, over his ongoing takeover of Twitter, but his recent comments about how he plans to vote in November are sure to generate a lot of buzz as well. During a recent appearance on a podcast, he said he is planning to vote Republican, possibly for the first time.

Media Matters pioneered the poisonous tactic of pressuring advertisers to deplatform and damage media opponents, and targets Musk with 24 other groups. Musk responds: "Who funds these organizations that want to control your access to information? Let’s investigate …"...

Elizabeth Warren is suddenly very interested in who owns and runs Twitter now that Elon Musk is taking it over. She wasn't interested when conservatives were being thrown off the platform or when it was used to suppress a story that might damage Biden, but now she's deeply concerned about one person having so much power. This is par for the course for Warren, who loves to put herself in the middle of national news stories.

Vijaya Gadde is a lawyer who has been a major power player at Twitter for years. She was instrumental in getting Trump thrown off the platform and may have played a role in banning the New York Post story about Hunter Biden's laptop. She apparently cried during a meeting with Twitter employees about Elon Musk taking ownership of the company.