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He just can't help himself. He can't get out of campaign mode. After his absurd "I'm Mr. Reaonsable" speech earlier today, his campaign has taken to Twitter urging his supports to send tweets to Republicans in Congress:   This is laughable and childish.  But it's what passes for...

Yesterday @JazzShaw walked away with the Debt Ceiling Tweet of the Day, and the challenge to @Iowahawkblog to "man up" was left unanswered. But today Iowahawk takes the prize (even though the day is young): ...

The day is young, but I think this one by Jazz Shaw is going to be hard to top: Looks like it's time for @iowahawkblog to man up....

That's Rick Perry's position on the NY same-sex marriage law: Perry, who is considering running for president, at a forum in Colorado on Friday called himself an “unapologetic social conservative” and said he opposes gay marriage — but that he’s also a firm believer in the...

This Monday, Twitter suspended several accounts belonging to a prominent Texas conservative organization, Empower Texans, its staff, and another conservative organization, AgendaWise, created by a former employee. The best part? They received no notice or explanation of the suspension. Here's part of Empower Texans' official...

Pretty much says what needs to be said when it needs to be said with the tone in which it needs to be said from someone who can get away saying it: ...

Just saw him interviewed by John King Roberts on Fox News, and I have to say, he was refreshingly blunt, as is his campaign website. King Roberts referenced this tweet by McCotter: But I don't know much (indeed, almost anything) about him.  I do know he supported...

I knew I should have paid more attention. But the question remains: Did he mention windmills? or at least "wind energy"?...

Other than the possible fisticuffs and chokeholds at the Wisconsin Supreme Court, Wisconsin politics has faded from the national headlines. But Wisconsin isn't over folks.  Democrats challenging Republicans in recall elections are doing better at fundraising, and Nancy Pelosi is headlining a fundraiser as well. One of...

Because as we know, windmills are our future. While I did send a Tweet, I didn't get to follow the Twitter Townhall. Please tell me, did he mention windmills? or at least "wind energy"?...

If you are on Twitter, the Heritage Foundation has five questions it is asking Obama for his Twitter Townhall.  The event, like all of Obama's townhalls, is merely for show, but if he wants questions sent via Twitter, here are the five: Your budget was rejected...

I watched Obama's press conference today, and he is a wonder to behold.  He is a relentless demagogue who plays Americans against Americans and sets up false choices as part of a class warfare agenda. Here's a false choice (my rough transcription) which jumped out at...

Apparently Legal Insurrection has a LinkedIn account.  I discovered this tonight.  I must have forgotten about it. It's somewhat spooky, because when I signed in to respond to an invitation, it started suggesting people to me, and these are people I actually knew.  And not just...

I posted yesterday about my suspicions that Netroots Nation 2012 was scheduled for Providence, RI, a small convention market (and near my home in RI) in order to keep RightOnline away by booking almost all the major convention space and hotel rooms. Netroots Nation has been...