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Trump Immigration Tag

Donald Trump's offhanded comment about immigration problems in Sweden was met with two reactions. First, deception. Much of the media and many political opponents invented the fake claim that Trump referred to a terror incident that happened the night before. It was a lie, as the transcript showed, NBC Falsely Suggests Trump Talked of ‘Terror Incident’ in Sweden. While Trump may not have used the most clear language, he clearly didn't mention either specifically or in general a terror incident happening the night before. I understood what he was referring to when he mentioned something last night -- it was a Fox News report on a video about immigration problems in Sweden. Second, Trump was attacked, including by the Swedish government, for relying on a video report that allegedly exaggerated the problems. As we reported, the filmmaker stood by his video, Filmmaker Confirms Numbers on Refugees And Crime in Sweden. Here is the original video, which featured Swedish Jewish reporter Annika Hernroth-Rothstein:

Huffington Post hates Donald Trump. Af first, it refused to cover his primary campaign in the Politics section, putting coverage instead in the Entertainment section. Of course, the joke was on HuffPo, since that move proved it wasn't a serious news organization. Then, HuffPo added a "disclaimer" to the end of each column about Trump: "Note to our readers: Donald Trump is a serial liar, rampant xenophobe, racist, birther and bully who has repeatedly pledged to ban all Muslims -- 1.6 billion members of an entire religion -- from entering the U.S.” That didn't stop Trump from winning the presidency. How far will HuffPo go to hurt Trump? Far enough to delete a post that credited Trump with being right in his comments about Sweden having problems due to mass immigration and migration.

Former Acting Attorney General Sally Yates, fired for insubordination after she told DOJ not to defend Trump's immigration Executive Order, is being held up as a new hero by the left for doing so. She attended an event on race in Atlanta this week and got a standing ovation. The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported:
Sally Yates gets hero’s welcome at Atlanta race panel discussion:

It seems like a million years ago give the fast flow of news cycles, but you may recall that a lone unidentified Judge on the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals called for a vote by the full court as to whether to hear en banc the government's emergency motion for a stay pending appeal. That motion had been denied by a three-judge panel, which refused even to narrow the sweeping District Court injunction against the immigration Executive Order. Since then, Trump has made clear that there will be a new Executive Order issued next week meant to address judicial rulings against the prior Executive Order. Apparently there also were similar representations to the Court in a supplemental brief:

So this is curious. A Judge at the 9th Circuit, whose name is not revealed, has requested a vote be taken whether to conduct en banc (full court) review of the February 9, 2017, Order by a three-judge panel denying Trump's request for a stay of the District Court Temporary Restraining Order. That TRO put a halt to all substantive aspects of Trump's immigration Executive Order, including the temporary halt to visa entry from six failed states known for ISIS and al Qaeda presence, plus state sponsor of terrorism Iran.

Wait a second: was that Sean Hannity on Fox News? Nope, it was Chris Matthews on MSNBC last night, expressing surprising skepticism over the 9th Circuit's decision to uphold the stay of President Trump's executive order on immigration.Matthews made a multi-pronged attack on the ruling.

The decision of the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals to leave in place a broad Temporary Restraining Order freezing President Trump's Executive Order on visas and refugees presents a serious threat to the constitutional and statutory authority of the presidency. By leaving an overly broad TRO in effect that protects even persons who are abroad with no prior connection to the United States, and by refusing to narrow the TRO, the 9th Circuit effectively extended to such persons U.S. constitutional due process rights both to apply for a visa and in the visa process.[*] Not only that, while not disputing the President's inherent constitutional and explicit statutory authority over foreign affairs, including security procedures as to the admission of aliens, the Court nonetheless designated to itself the judgment as to what constituted a sufficient threat for the President to exercise that authority. The President's reliance on Congressional and Department of Homeland Security analyses as to threat assessment was explicitly rejected by the Court as sufficient basis.

The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals hears oral argument on the government's Emergency Motion for a Stay pending appeal from the District Court Temporary Restraining Order halting Trump’s Immigration Executive Order now is fully briefed. My view on the TRO is here, Absurd Fed Ct TRO halts enforcement of entire Executive Order on visas, refugees. Yesterday the government filed its Reply to the Opposition filed by the State of Washington late Sunday night.

The government's Emergency Motion for a Stay pending appeal from the District Court Temporary Restraining Order halting Trump’s Immigration Executive Order now is fully briefed. My view on the TRO is here, Absurd Fed Ct TRO halts enforcement of entire Executive Order on visas, refugees. The government just filed its Reply to the Opposition filed by the State of Washington late Sunday night. As discussed earlier, the opponents of the EO are attempting to have the judiciary substitute its judgment as to security needs, even though admission of aliens to the U.S. is within the exclusive purview of the President.

On CNN this morning, David Gregory, speaking of President Trump's tweeting—and specifically, those from this weekend criticizing the judge who blocked his executive order on immigration—said: "he sounds like an old man sitting on his porch yelling at somebody to get off his lawn." Added Gregory: "you've had in the first 18 days, successive weekends where he has completely derailed what his administration is trying to do with a kind of personal indulgence by attacking people personally, launching an attack on the separation of powers. But what it really comes down to is this obsession with himself, and I think that's going to start to wear thin."

Late last night the State of Washington filed its opposition to the government's Emergency Motion for a Stay pending appeal from the District Court Temporary Restraining Order halting Trump's Immigration Executive Order. The government's motion was extremely strong, correctly pegging the court order as an improper usurpation by the District Court Judge of national security decisions reserved to the President. The 9th Circuit denied the stay request Saturday night until the opponents had a chance to submit papers, setting a briefing schedule to have the motion fully submitted by 3 p.m. Pacific time today. I am not going to have time to fully analyze the legal papers filed in opposition, as I have to hit the road for a long drive shortly.

The federal government has filed for an emergency stay [full embed at bottom of post] with the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals seeking to stay a temporary restraining order issued by the District Court for the Western District of Washington (Seattle). For background, see our earlier post, Absurd Fed Ct TRO halts enforcement of entire Executive Order on visas, refugees. In the past day, visa holders from the 7 high risk nations subject to the EO have flooded into the U.S. trying to beat the court clock for an appellate stay.

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and State Department have announced officials will suspend "any and all actions" over the executive order President Donald Trump signed to halt immigration from seven countries. Trump signed the order so the government could put together a better vetting process to weed out terrorists. From The Hill:
“At the earliest possible time, the Department of Justice intends to file an emergency stay of this order and defend the President’s Executive Order, which is lawful and appropriate,” spokesperson Gillian Christensen said in a statement, as first reported by BuzzFeed News.

A federal court in the Western District of Washington in Seattle last night effectively stripped the Trump administration of its power to determine the parameters of who may enter the country. For my prior analysis of how the EO has been mischaracterized by opponents as a "Muslim Ban" and in other ways, see these prior posts: You can read the Motion for a TRO in the Seattle case, the government's Opposition, and the Court Order at the links. The Court Order also is embedded in at the end of this post.