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Trump Immigration Tag

Canada is apparently struggling with an immigration problem. Our neighbor to the north has reportedly become overwhelmed by illegal border crossings of people seeking refugee status. According to Reuters, that's a result of Trump's crackdown south of the Canadian border.

The last time we visited the San Diego area at Legal Insurrection, all eight border wall prototypes had passed extensive security tests. The first contact for the border wall has been awarded, and work on the project has begun.
The federal government began work Wednesday to replace a section of border wall in California, the first wall contract awarded in the Trump administration outside of eight prototypes that were built last year in San Diego.

Under Trump, the left has decided that the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency is an evil organization. The agency has existed since 2003 but progressives act as if it was born after election day in 2016. Rutgers University in New Jersey recently held a public service and government jobs fair. Student activists calling themselves "RU Dreamers" successfully got ICE to drop out of the event.

Welp, that didn't last very long. The Senate has ended its debate on immigration as the lawmakers have rejected BOTH proposals in front of them: one from President Donald Trump and the other from the bipartisan clique, the Common Sense Coalition. The lawmakers rejected amendments from Sens. John McCain (R-AZ) and Chris Coons (D-DL) and another one from Sen. Pat Toomey (R-PA).

The Common Sense Coalition, made up of eight Democrats, eight Republicans, and one Independent, has struck a bipartisan deal on immigration even though they know President Donald Trump will likely veto it if it reaches his desk. (I feel like this is the tenth bill that has come up on this subject) It includes a few portions from Trump's bill, but lacks other "pillars" the president has emphasized like eliminating the diversity visa lottery.

Highest in three years: "ICE agents made a total of 143,470 arrests in fiscal year 2017, as compared against 110,104 in FY 2016"...

President Donald Trump and Congress are preparing for another round of negotiations over Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), this time without the national budget being held hostage.
The program expires March 5, leaving the nearly 2 million people eligible for DACA vulnerable to deportation, unless Congress acts on immigration reform and secures them legal protection.

Immigration has come to the forefront again as the government faces another possible shutdown this week. Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) has already stated she will vote no against a funding bill if it does not include language for DACA members, also known as Dreamers. Another option, though, is temporary protection after President Donald Trump's March 5 deadline passes.

A hot topic in the Legal Insurrection comment sections has been whether the insane/deranged/lunatic/vicious/malicious reaction of Democrats and the open-borders left to Trump's generous DACA/Dreamer amnesty framework was part of some three-dimensional chess play by Trump. In that scenario, Trump offered what he knew never would be accepted in order to make himself look good and his opposition unreasonable: Amnesty for 1.8 million 'Dreamers' plus immediate family reunification, in exchange for funding of border security and The Wall, and an end to extended family chain migration.

As the open-borders agenda of the left finally sees the light of day, it's not surprising to learn that blue cities and states are no longer solely committed to refusing to work with ICE.  They are now actively working against federal immigration law and policy, even going so far as to issue emergency rules intended to protect illegal aliens from deportation. In Washington state, one such "emergency rule" was approved Friday.  The rule says that the country of birth is no longer required on applications for Washington driver licenses.  Washington state officials say that asking for the place of one's birth on an application for a driver license can lead to targeting by ICE.  They are having none of that.

I admit to being a bit puzzled by the leftist outrage over President Trump's proposed DACA deal.  I fail to see anything "racist" about providing a pathway to citizenship for over a million illegal aliens (or in any of the other proposed provisions). House minority leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), however, seems to imagine that it's some kind of  white supremacist plot.

The framework of a proposal unveiled by the White House provides for a pathway to citizenship for 1.8 million so-called Dreamers, 25 billion for border security and The Wall, and an end of extended-family chain migration (though immediate family chain migration still permitted). You can read the full details here.

I don't attribute to Trump the mythical 'three-dimensional chess' sort of analysis. So when the White House officially floats the idea of a massive amnesty for 1.8 million 'Dreamers' in the form of a pathway to citizenship, plus nuclear family reunification that will ad several million more, I think that's actually what he wants. Conservative reaction has been furious, viewing it as the breach of a core campaign promise. Which it was and is.

Politico reported Thursday afternoon that the White House offered an immigration plan to Congress. The White House plan satisfies Democrat Dreamer demands in exchange for a $25 billion fund to construct and secure the southern border, as well as a plan to curtail chain migration.