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Terrorism Tag

No one cares about the skin color of the Boston Marathon Bombers except to push back against people like David Sirota of who infamously hoped that a "white American" was responsible, and others in the media and left-blogosphere who were hoping that another Timothy McVeigh-looking person was the perp. I'm...

The third person killed in the bombing of the Boston Marathon has been identified. Via Riehl World News: The third person killed in the Boston Marathon bombings is a 23-year-old Chinese graduate student at Boston University who came to the U.S. because it was her dream to...

There has not been a lot learned since last night. At a press conference this morning almost nothing was learned, except that the investigators seem desperate for information and are calling on the public to turn in videos and photos. I'm embedding the Twitter feed at the bottom of the post, which is a good way to keep track during the day. CBS Boston Live Stream (Added) Via Twitchy:

The problem is not the 1967 borders, never was, never will be.  The problem is that the Palestinians do not want to give up "one inch." A return to the 1967 borders merely would get the Palestinians closer to that last inch. Via Times of Israel, New...

Earlier this week I received an email from a friend (and former colleague) who teaches at Stanford.  The email, containing a link to an column, had been forwarded several times before reaching him and arrived in my inbox complete with a good dozen endorsements...

Interesting post at an interesting blog run by Yaacov Lozowick for the Israeli State Archives, What's a Proportional Response? Here's a fascinating document from December 13th 1955, in which the Ministers' Committee for Security and Foreign Affairs discussed a clash which had taken place two nights...

You know Pallywood, the Palestinian industry devoted to manipulating the Western press through fake injuries and damage from Israelis. It's back in Gaza, once again. Via Honest Reporting (h/t Right Scoop): Don't think it's just during war. This video shows how Palestinians push their children forward to try...

I found myself wondering why the Council on American-Islamic Relations had been so quiet since the 9/11/ attacks in Libya and two dozen other Islamic countries. Since the original 9/11 massacre, every time a Muslim shouts “allahu akhbar” while slaughtering innocents—or is prevented by undercover operations...

An American Ambassador and three American security guards were butchered, anti-American riots broke out across the Middle East, a U.S. Embassy both before and after being stormed issued apologies for the exercise of our constitutional rights, our Secretary of State practically prostrated herself, the President had...

Multiple news agencies are reporting that the U.S. Ambassador to Libya and three others were killed in a rocket attack on their vehicle (although reports as to where he was at the time conflict).  The State Department has not confirmed as of this writing.  (Update...

For my thoughts, see my post last year, 9/11/01 and Memory This audio still is what I remember the most.  We can add Melissa Harrington Hughes to our memory, along with Johnny “Mike” Spann, Cpl Jonathan Daniel Porto, U.S. Army, Spc. Dennis Weichel and Lt. Roslyn Schulte....

It relates to this story: At the urging of Valerie Jarrett, President Barack  Obama canceled the operation to kill Osama bin Laden on three  separate occasions before finally approving the May 2, 2011 Navy SEAL mission,  according to an explosive new book scheduled for release August...