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Tea Party Tag

My recent post on "Independence Day" sparked a spirited discussion around poll data showing that only 8% of those questioned identified themselves as members of the "tea party" (hat-tip to gs). This, in turn, became a topic of discussion among the a group of citizen activists...

From our friends Down Under at The Catallaxy Files, reports of Tea Party Derangement Syndrome, He believes it but does anyone else? (emphasis mine): WAYNE Swan has blamed the conservative Tea Party movement in the US for damaging the global economy and contributing to the “whack”...

Unintentionally, of course, because of the media-driven Epistemic Closure to Tea Party ideas. The fourth and last of the views from the vehicle spotted by Jon at the Perimeter Mall in Atlanta/Dunwoody (Parts One, Two, and Three): ...

I am responding to Professor Jacobson's recent post, The Tea Party tsunami at the gates. As the Media Director of SoCal Tax Revolt Coalition (SCTRC), San Diego's original Tea Party group, I wanted to share my analysis that it won't be a tsunami -- it will...

Grover Norquist is predicting a second, even larger Tea Party wave, via (h/t Instapundit): "We are about to have a Tea Party second wave that will dwarf the first wave and that is because while 'spend too much' brought the Tea Party into existence, we're...

We were out-smarted by Team Obama, no doubt about that. But wherein lies the blame?  Michael Patrick Leahy at exposes one possibility, the role of highly-paid, highly-connected consultants, Romney Campaign Paid $33 Million to Two Consulting Firms With Ties to Key Staffers: The Romney campaign spent an...

As a co-founder of one of the largest California Tea Party groups (SoCal Tax Revolt Coalition), I often am asked why I choose to remain a registered Democrat. In part, it is because the state Republican party doesn't inspire much confidence. Or, as I like to...

As an amateur Egyptologist who occasionally writes about Egypt at the Temple of Mut, my specialty is mummies. So, I know dead things and can say with certainty: The Tea Party is NOT dead. I have been a Tea Party activist since the first nationwide series...

Tea Party Network News just launched yesterday. A reader alerted me to it, and while I wasn't thrilled with the layout or design, I was hopeful it would be a valuable resource.  When it linked to one of my posts, well so much the better.  I...

This past Saturday, Tea Party activists from Ohio and around the country converged on Cleveland for the Occupy the Truth for Peace and Justice rally and march. Organized by Andrew Marcus of the upcoming documentary, "Hating Breitbart," the march centered on Andrew Breitbart's charge to...

From A.F. Branco (reprinted with permission): ...

Turnout in this week of early voting for the Republican senate runoff in Texas is looking to be more than double what it was last year. Some say high turnout will favor Dewhurst over Tea Party favorite Ted Cruz, in a sense "diluting the Tea." The...