This Insurrectionist has been monitoring
Morning Joe since its inception. But perhaps never in the ensuing nine years has there been a segment quite so somber as the one that led Wednesday's show. The subject was Aleppo, the images were horrific, and the accusation laid at the feet of President Obama, the Western allies and the UN was that their inaction has led to the slaughter of countless thousands.
The segment opened with a statement at the UN by US Ambassador Samantha Power condemning Assad, Russia and Iran. But as
Joe Scarborough observed: "those were damning, damning words. But they were damning words of the Obama administration." Scarborough was referring to the fecklessness of the Unites States in the face of the slaughter. Scarborough chillingly reported that
"you actually have mothers going to priests saying will God forgive me if I kill my child so ISIS doesn't torture them when they get them and kill them?"