CNN Guest: Fareed Zakaria “Would Have Sex” with Syrian Missile Attack if he could
And Brian Williams “in true love” with the missile strike

Lefty journalist Jeremy Scahill found a graphic way to describe the MSM’s support for the cruise missile attack that President Trump ordered this past week.
Appearing on CNN’s Reliable Sources today, The Intercept‘s Scahill said, “Fareed Zakaria: if that guy could have sex with this cruise missile attack, I think he would do it.”
Along similar lines, Scahill said that MSNBC’s Brian Williams seemed to be “in true love with the cruise missile strike.”
Scahill also called for CNN to yank all retired military generals and colonels off the air, later saying that if retired military members are allowed on the air, their affiliations with private consulting groups, etc. should be disclosed.
Note: Scahill was alluding to Zakaria’s statement, the morning after the attack, that Donald Trump “became President of the United States last night.” Referring to the cruise missiles, Brian Williams had spoken of “the beauty of our weapons: they are beautiful pictures.”
JEREMY SCAHILL: CNN needs to immediately withdraw all retired generals and colonels from its airwaves. Fareed Zakaria, if that guy could have sex with this cruise missile attack, I think he would do it. Brian Williams seemed to just be in true love with the cruise missile strike.

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“Scahill also called for CNN to yank all retired military generals and colonels off the air, later saying that if retired military members are allowed on the air, their affiliations with private consulting groups, etc. should be disclosed.”
Absolutely. Pres. Eisenhower would totally approve. Not a damn thing wrong with that information.
Fine, and all media talking heads should disclose their friends and relatives in the Democrat Party and political contributions?
They should also announce current and past relationships of other on the air personalities (e.g. Chuck Todd’s wife is a principal in an agency that serves progressive Democratic candidates and causes and he is a former Democratic congressional staffer, George Stephanopoulos was a member of the Clinton administration and a contributor to the Clinton Foundation, etc.).
Of course. Every time they are on the air or in print, they should make full disclosure.
You’ll find a lot of conservatives do.
Totally FOR that.
Yes, but the liberal media talking heads have so many connections with the Democratic party, by the time they got done disclosing them, their time on screen would be over.
Then again, that would not be a bad thing…
Lots of the wrong people are getting excited about the missle attack: Zarakia, Pelosi and John McCain and Miss Lindsey, who would like nothing more than a major war.
I find it hard to believe that Assad would gas his own people when things were going his way.
If you find it hard to believe then you’re an idiot or a know-nothing troll.
From his “Miss Lindsey” reference, we can also infer that bw222 is a homophobe.
To me it doesn’t take a lot of creative thinking to come up with some reasons why the gas attack occurred. To a rational person it seems ill-timed. To an authoritarian thug supported by an authoritarian thug (Putin), it was a near everyday show of power to all of the many factions. Perhaps it was also done as a test to the new POTUS and his campaign promises, too. After all, 95% of U.S. media report that Trump has had a very bad start and create every imaginable negative scenario about how he could have a failed presidency soon in the public eye, etc. What better time to test if he would react in a way that might make his term more controversial?
IIRC, chlorine has been used on a regular basis over there.
It will make you just as dead/injured for life as most chemical agents known to man.
Question: is an agent that kills less than 100 people a “WMD”? Or is it just another munition?
Is a truck a “WMD”?
Yep, Chlorine gas is a scary weapon, so easy to produce you can do it by accident in your own home if you are not careful with mixing cleaning products.
The timing of and reason for this attack is easy to figure out, it was a test to see what Trump would do. Would he have the stones to man up and retaliate to send a message or would he be like Obama and just clutch the curtains while taking it.
We’re not talking about Pearl Harbor or the 9/11 attacks here, but about, at worst, a chemical weapon attack on about 100 people in Syria, none of whom are US citizens. So, doesn’t it set off ANY alarms when the #NeverTrumpers are now supporting his missile attack on Syria?
The instant synthetic hysteria over any hint of !!!CHEMICAL WEAPONS!!! always sets off alarms. It’s hard to believe that anyone above the very lowest echelons of government—well, outside of the Senate, of course—is stupid enough to actually believe that poison gas is more abhorrent than traditional Middle Eastern crimes like bombings or beheadings. So apparently this unwarranted excitement is just cover for some other plan.
If Zakaria did have claim to have had sex with a cruise missile, he write about the experience, but of course, the low-life would plagiarize the story:
Zakaria suspended by CNN, Time for plagiarism: