Steve Scalise | Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion
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Last month, it was revealed that the shooting of Steve Scalise and the targeting of other Republicans at a baseball field in 2017 had been classified by the FBI as a case of suicide by cop. The shooter was a Bernie Sanders supporter and Rachel Maddow 'superfan' who went to the baseball field with a list of Republicans, meaning this was most certainly a politically motivated shooting.

In the spring of 2017, a Bernie Sanders supporter and Rachel Maddow 'superfan' named James Hodgkinson shot up a baseball field full of Republican congressmen, nearly killing Rep. Steve Scalise. You may have forgotten about this because Democrats and the media spent about 48 hours talking about it. Yet they're still yapping about the January 6th 'insurrection.'

The Kennedy Center decided to lay off staffers and not pay the musicians after April 3rd despite receiving $25 million in the Wuhan coronavirus bill. House Minority Whip Steve Scalise came out in support of a bill to take back the money while slamming Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi over her pet projects.

After House Speaker Nancy Pelosi gave her public blessing last week for House Democrats to launch a formal impeachment inquiry of President Trump, members of the GOP House leadership read her the riot act. Not only did she announce her support of an inquiry before reading the transcript of the Trump/Zelensky call (which hadn't even been released at the time), but she also didn't name the specific alleged impeachable offense Trump committed.

The Washington Post has fallen almost as far as CNN. In a news analysis article, the paper tries to shift blame for James Hodgkinson's attempt to murder Republican congressmen on conservative talk radio. It's an established fact that Hodgkinson was a Bernie-loving, anti-Trump, Rachel Maddow "super fan," so wouldn't it make more sense to blame MSNBC?

Nebraska Democratic Party Chair Jane Kleeb has ousted Phil Montag, a volunteer for the party's technology committee, after a recording surfaced of him saying he was glad House Majority Whip Steve Scalise was shot and wished he died. Scalise and four others were shot last week while practicing for the congressional baseball game. From The Omaha World-Herald:
On Thursday, Kleeb acted immediately upon hearing the recording. “This is the first I am hearing this,” Kleeb said by email Thursday morning. “As soon as I heard it, I sent it to the (party) officers and then sent an email to Phil Montag informing him I am removing him from his appointed position as Co-Chair of the Technology Committee. ... Wishing a Member of Congress or any individual dead is disgusting and has no place in our party.”