Rep. Scalise Welcomed Back to Congress With Standing Ovation and a Speech That Will Leave You in Tears
“I’m a living example that miracles really do happen”

After suffering a critical gun shot wound to the hip during a June Congressional baseball practice, Rep. Steve Scalise returned to Congress Thursday.
As disheartening as the events leading to his months-long absence were, his return was nothing short of inspirational.
A hero’s welcome:
House floor gives standing ovation to Rep. Steve Scalise who returned to Capitol Hill after being shot in the Alexandria shooting in June.
— ABC News (@ABC) September 28, 2017
Scalise thanks Capitol Hill PD who saved his life:
"David, you are my hero. You saved my life," Scalise says, pointing out officer David Bailey in chamber crowd
— CBS News (@CBSNews) September 28, 2017
Speaker Ryan was more than a little happy to see Scalise back at work:
We knew @SteveScalise would recover because he's a fighter. His return to the people's House today is the best gift we could have received.
— Paul Ryan (@SpeakerRyan) September 28, 2017
Steve Scalise returned to the House today after attempted murder by those who disagree w/him.
He was greeted by an embrace from Paul Ryan.????
— Devin Sena (@DevinSenaUI) September 28, 2017
And amazingly humble words from someone who almost lost his life:
Rep. Steve Scalise returns to House after shooting, says, "I'm a living example that miracles really do happen"
— CNN Breaking News (@cnnbrk) September 28, 2017
WATCH: Rep. Scalise: Some might remember the evil act, but "all I remember are the thousands of acts of kindness."
— NBC Nightly News (@NBCNightlyNews) September 28, 2017
His full speech here:
Welcome back, Rep. Scalise.
Follow Kemberlee on Twitter @kemberleekaye

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He took more than a knee for his politics and beliefs…
So is the US Navy going to name a warship after him, like they did for that whiner Gabrielle Giffords?
NYT still peddling trash about Palin and the Gabrielle Giffords shooting:
Then again, what else do they peddle but trash?
So happy to see him return.
He is what you get when the opposition party incites a civil war and loses.
And the Twitter Trolls were promptly out in force within minutes of the news tweets, like pigeons looking for freshly washed cars.
It’s good to have Steve back. The trolls, not so much.
Praise God for this recovery! He’s walking using two hand crutches, but he’s upright and walking. Wonderful.
Thanks for this. A happy few moments spent watching this video. This made my day!!!
Rep. Scalise is well within his rights to look past the evil act, but the rest of us had better not do that, just yet. His job is to heal and get back to work; our job is to protect our system, our politicians, and our children.
An attempt on the life of any of our politicians is an attack on the republic, itself. So is a physical attack on a random person, for the purpose of embarrassing the other party. So is a public statement that encourages such acts.
There are some indicators that the shooter was a deranged person. There are admissions by Democratic operatives closely connected to the Clinton Campaign that mentally ill people have been hired for the purpose of, at minimum, injuring other people. There election records showing payments to rent-a-rioters. The DNC playbook includes hiring people for the purpose of “provoking” violence, and blaming it on the opposition. There was even a call to “disappear” a candidate for the presidency.
Democrats, it is time to clean house, and while you are at it, you can wash Elizabeth Warren’s mouth out with soap.
Scalise braves a bullet hrough his hips from a high-power rifle, and walks to the podium.
Hillary Clinton does nothing with her fat ass but steal, and she can’t make it up a staircase: