Sports | Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion - Part 22
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NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell announced today that he personally believes that players should stand for the national anthem, but the league will not make it a rule requiring it. From
"I think our clubs all see this the same way -- we want our players to stand, we're going to encourage them to stand and we're going to continue to work on these issues in the community," Goodell told reporters after meeting with team owners at the Fall League Meeting in New York. "We'll address issues -- I can't deal with hypotheticals right now, we'll deal with those issues if they come up -- but for right now, that's our focus."

Former NFL quarter Colin Kaepernick has filed a grievance against NFL owners because he believes they colluded to keep him out of a job due to his protests during the national anthem. Kaepernick first protested in the 2016 preseason when he took a knee during the national anthem. He claimed he protested against racial injustice across the country. The protests took off, with many players following his lead.

Stanley Cup champions Pittsburgh Penguins visited the White House Tuesday despite pressure from the Golden State Warriors refusal drop by the White House to celebrate their NBA championship win. The left went CRAZY on social media and one outlet even downplayed the tradition of visiting the White House.

Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones announced on Sunday that if a player disrespects the flag then he cannot play in the game after a reporter informed him that two players raised their fist after the anthem. From NBC Dallas-Fort Worth:
Jones said "If there’s anything that is disrespectful to the flag then we will not play. Okay? Do you understand? If we are disrespecting the flag then we won’t play, period. But we are going to respect the flag and I’m going to create the perception of it, and we have. I’m not aware and I wouldn’t know what you are talking about, I’m not aware of that but if you say you saw it, then you saw it, but we as a team are very much on the page together, we’ve made our expression that we are together , I’m very supportive of the team, but under no circumstances will the Dallas Cowboys, I don’t care what happens, under no circumstances will we as an organization, or as coaches or players not support and stand and recognize and honor the flag. Period."

Last spring when liberals were storming town hall meetings and angrily yelling at Republican congressmen, the images were unavoidable. All the networks, even FOX News, showed them for all the country to see. NFL fans who are angry about players kneeling during the national anthem haven't been so lucky.

Professor Jacobson is not the only one who is "tuning out" sports and entertainment venues because of social justice warrior activism. It turns out millions of American are joining him. Sunday Night Football ratings plummeted the night of the #TakeAKnee protests.
In metered market numbers, the primetime matchup that saw the Washington Redskins beat the Oakland Raiders 27-10 snared an 11.6/20, the worst SNF has performed this season so far. It’s an 8% dip from the early numbers of last week’s game, Atlanta’s 34-23 win over Green Bay. Amid cheers and boos from fans at FedEx Field in Maryland last night, the third week of the SNF season declined 10% from early numbers of the comparable game of last year on September 25, 2016.

Another earthquake has hit the sports world after reports emerged that the FBI has arrested 10 NCAA basketball officials, including four assistant coaches, along with executives at Adidas on charges of fraud and corruption. From ESPN:
"The picture painted by the charges brought today is not a pretty one,'' Joon H. Kim, the acting United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, said at a Tuesday news conference. "Coaches at some of the nation's top programs soliciting and accepting cash bribes. Managers and financial advisers circling blue-chip prospects like coyotes. And employees of one of the world's largest sportswear companies secretly funneling cash to the families of high school recruits."

To kneel during the national anthem or not is one of the dumber questions of our time, but here we are -- grappling with the very basics of patriotism in the losing battle with cultural marxism. Sunday, Professor Jacobson wrote an excellent piece explaining how the NFL must live with the consequences of the side they've chosen in the culture wars.

Eyes turned to the NFL on Sunday to see which players would take a knee during the anthem after President Donald Trump called those who kneel a son of bitch and asked the audience if they wouldn't like to see the NFL fire them. He reiterated this thoughts on Twitter with his catchphrase YOU'RE FIRED. Well, some NFL players chose to kneel while others locked arms together. A few teams chose to stay in the locker room, like the Pittsburgh Steelers. However, one player on the Steelers decided to stand for the anthem...a veteran who served three tours in Afghanistan.

Former New England Patriots star Aaron Hernandez killed himself in his prison cell last April as he served a life sentence for a 2013 murder charge at the Souza-Baranowski Correctional Center in Shirley, MA. His lawyers revealed today that tests on Hernandez's brain "showed severe signs of the degenerative brain disease chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE)." They also said that his daughter plans to sue the NFL and the Patriots "for leading Hernandez to believe the sport was safe."

The leadership at ESPN seems to think it can change the way people think by injecting left wing politics into its coverage of professional sports. Instead, they are alienating sports fans, many of whom are conservatives, and destroying their brand at the same time.

Last season, quarterback Colin Kaepernick decided to kneel for the national anthem before football games, which led to players to do the same and activists lavished him with praise. He is not playing this year, but some players have decided to continue his actions. While Kaepernick's choice gave him a lot of media attention, Cincinnati Bengals tight end Tyler Eifert decided to explain why he still stands for the national anthem.

Seattle Seahawks defensive end Michael Bennett accused Las Vegas officers of racial profiling and excessive force after the Mayweather-Mcgregor fight in August. Bennett claimed that the police singled him out and one even threatened to "blow his head off." The NFL backed Bennett's story, but the Las Vegas Metr0 Police Department (LVMPD) has strongly come out and denied all of Bennett's claim. The two arresting officers are Hispanic males. Detective Steve Grammas, the president of the Las Vegas Metro Police Protective Association, has even asked NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell to investigate Bennett's actions.