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Socialism Tag

Steven Hayward of Powerline calls our attention to an interview given by New York's Mayor Bill de Blasio. It's quite revealing---not just about de Blasio, but about the leftist mindset concerning the role of government, our legal system, and what people themselves want [emphasis mine]:
Q: In 2013, you ran on reducing income inequality. Where has it been hardest to make progress? Wages, housing, schools?

During the 2008 election, Democrats foamed at the mouth if you suggested Obama was a socialist. Then the 2016 election happened and with it the candidacy of Bernie Sanders. The mask was finally off as nearly half the Democratic Party rallied around an admitted socialist. Things would never be the same.

Social media took off late Tuesday night after video caught a helicopter circling Venezuelan government buildings, including the Supreme Court. Reports indicate that the helicopter "fired 15 shots at the Interior Ministry, where scores of people were at a social event, and dropped four grenades on the court, where judges were meeting." President Nicolas Maduro immediately slammed the attack, which he called a coup attempt. But other theories have come to light with the opposition saying Maduro staged the coup attempt as a way to crackdown on his opponents and grab more power.

The Marshall Plan, aka the European Recovery Program, was devised as a means of rebuilding a decimated Europe after World War II. The radical left apparently recognizes, if not accepts ownership of, the decimation their policies have wreaked on America and its people because they are now proposing a "Marshall Plan for America" designed to "rebuild" the America they've all-but-destroyed. John Podesta's Center for American Progress (CAP) is the leader of this plan, signalling that the "centrist" Hillary Clinton arm of the Democratic Party has embraced the socialist-Democrat wing headed up by Bernie Sanders.

CAP is suddenly concerned with the white American working and middle classes "left behind" by the regressive left's identity politics, income redistribution efforts, and SJW fervor.  Their solution to the "forgotten man"?  More central planning, slightly muted but still prevalent identity politics, and of course and always, more income redistribution.

The situation in Venezuela has worsened in recent weeks. People are fighting in the streets with government forces and multiple people have died. Reuters reports:
Venezuela Death Toll Rises to at Least 42 The death toll in Venezuela's six-week wave of anti-government unrest has risen to at least 42, according to the state prosecutor's office, which announced three deaths on Tuesday.