Last week, we covered the
videoptaped torture of a mentally disabled Chicago teen at the hands of 4 black thugs, who taunted him with anti-white and anti-Trump insults.
Meanwhile, progressives are still fighting the vast, alt-Right conspiracy whenever and wherever they can. For example, now there is a "Racists Anonymous" group, an Alcoholics Anonymous-type organization offering a recovery program for people
struggling with their "white privilege".
The program is the brainchild of Reverend Ron Buford, a black pastor who worried that conversations about race left him angry and white participants guilty. He says he realized the need for the self-improvement program after witnessing Trump’s rise to power.
Racists Anonymous is a 12-step program, and meetings begin with everyone in the room announcing that they are, in fact a racist (step one is, of course, admitting you have a problem). The white people in the group discuss their experiences with their own racism, minority attendees discuss experiences encountering racism in society.