Rhode Island | Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion - Part 8
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Rhode Island Tag

South Kingstown (RI) School Committee Chair Emily Cummiskey resigns. Solas: "I am still owed a public apology and retraction but Cummiskey's resignation sends a new message: parents will prevail. Retaliation against parents seeking information about their child's education will backfire...

I recently posted about a behind-the-scenes effort by the Rhode Island School Superintendents Association (RISSA), together with unions and friendly legislators, to curtail public rights under the RI Access to Public Records Act (APRA), in reaction to voluminous public records requests filed by South Kingstown mom Nicole Solas seeking information about Critical Race and Gender teaching in school.

The South Kingstown, Rhode Island, School Committee triggered a national controversy when it threatened to sue local mother Nicole Solas, who has a child enrolled in kindergarten for the fall, alleging Solas was serving too many public information requests regarding Critical Race and Gender efforts in the schools.

On May 23, 2021, at 8 p.m. Eastern, the Barrington (Rhode Island) United Veterans Council (BUVC), with the financial and logistical support of the Legal Insurrection Foundation, is holding an online webinar pushing back against the surge of Critical Race Theory indoctrination locally and throughout the state, Unity Not Division: A Non-Racist Approach to Community & EducationREGISTER HERE.

Last week the Rhode Island House Education Committee held a hearing on H-6070, the bill I introduced as a Representative to ban the use of Critical Race Theory in our schools. Testimony was submitted by 577 Rhode Islanders. Half supported banning CRT, half opposed. The most fierce and vitriolic opposition came from teachers themselves, reflecting how deeply CRT already has penetrated education.

You don't hear much about it, but there is a growing divide between the transgender community and feminists who adhere to the idea that biology matters and that being a woman is about more than declaring it. At the University of Rhode Island, Professor Donna Hughes, who teaches women and gender studies, is now under fire for challenging the left's position on the issue.