Stacey Abrams Tells CNN She Was Pro-Life Until She Went to College
"for me, as a matter of faith, means that I don't impose those values systems on others"...
"for me, as a matter of faith, means that I don't impose those values systems on others"...
Bravo to the dean because he refused to cancel Dr. Kristin Collier's speech....
"Just last week… a man approached our care center with an armed machete."...
UK's Guardian: "The short version of how Americans lost their right to terminate a pregnancy might be summed up in one name: Trump." ...
The cops claim the babies were aborted legally....
Preserving human life one step at a time....
“A few hours after we set up, some pro-abortion advocates began to stomp, rip, and throw away the pink crosses and steal our other pro-life signs on display”...
Always be LOUD AND PROUD, fellow pro-lifers. Always speak up for human life, inside and out of the womb....
“This theft of our sign is a sad reminder of the intolerance our student body possesses when it comes to discussing tough and prevailing issues.”...
"The University takes seriously any alleged violation of our Community Standards"...
"Warning signs were placed but they kept falling down, the student paper reported."...
"christo-fascist abortion legislation"...
The DOJ claimed if SCOTUS does not act then the heartbeat law "would irreparably harm those interests and perpetuate the ongoing irreparable injury" to women in Texas seeking out abortions....
“There are limits to free speech and people don’t consent to seeing things that can be traumatizing such as this”...
I'm hoping SCOTUS once again does not go with precedent as it did with the Texas pro-life law. It is time we follow the science when it comes to our most basic right: LIFE....
“Who could care less if someone is pro-forced-birth, but when that someone takes action to enforce that opinion on others—that’s when it becomes dangerous.“...
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