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Oklahoma Tag

I live in Oklahoma City. I have to say the riots we experienced were tame compared to other cities after the death of George Floyd, but riots and violence did happen. Oklahoma County District Attorney David Prater decided to "get-tough" and charge some of the protesters with terrorism, rioting, and assault as a way to stop future riots.

Protesters from the Black Emergency Response Team (BERT) at the University of Oklahoma have staged sit-ins at interim President Joseph Harroz's office in Evans Hall to demand the resignation of Provost (senior administrative official) Kyle Harper. The protesters claim Harper "allows racism to fester on campus" after two professors used the n-word in classrooms, the College Fix reports.

Oklahoma City, OK, changed 23 years ago today when an explosion happened at the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building at 9:02AM. It killed 168 people, including 19 children and three unborn children. Every year, we hold a ceremony at 9AM at the OKC Memorial to remember and mourn those we lost.

Another earthquake has hit the sports world after reports emerged that the FBI has arrested 10 NCAA basketball officials, including four assistant coaches, along with executives at Adidas on charges of fraud and corruption. From ESPN:
"The picture painted by the charges brought today is not a pretty one,'' Joon H. Kim, the acting United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, said at a Tuesday news conference. "Coaches at some of the nation's top programs soliciting and accepting cash bribes. Managers and financial advisers circling blue-chip prospects like coyotes. And employees of one of the world's largest sportswear companies secretly funneling cash to the families of high school recruits."