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‘Black Emergency Response Team’ at U. Oklahoma Issues New Set of Demands

‘Black Emergency Response Team’ at U. Oklahoma Issues New Set of Demands

“we are asking for additional demands to make up for this gap in the changes we are looking to bring from this sit-in and strike”

The school failed to deliver on all of their previous demands so now they’re issuing new ones. That’s the ’emergency’ here. It’s probably safe to assume more demands will follow.

The College Fix reports:

U. Oklahoma ‘Black Emergency Response Team’ issues new set of demands

The University of Oklahoma’s so-called “Black Emergency Response Team” has issued a new set of demands, apparently because the school administration didn’t act quickly enough on its previous demands from last year.

As reported by The College Fix, last February student activists engaged in a hunger strike, occupied an administrative building and issued (a first set of) demands after a pair of professors had used the N-word (in context) in class.

The initial demands included the resignation of Provost Kyle Harper, mandatory diversity training, and even, at one point, a new Popeyes restaurant. The activists also complained that twenty years prior as an OU student, Harper had criticized gender studies classes.

“Given that the administration is not giving us our top demand due to bureaucratic barriers,” BERT writes in its latest demand letter, “we are asking for additional demands to make up for this gap in the changes we are looking to bring from this sit-in and strike.” (How does one ask for demands?)

Among them:

— A “Provost and President Advisory Board” which will provide students with more “multicultural representation and access.”

— Funds for a new Center for Research on Race and Ethnicity. This (allegedly) will serve as an incentive for “diverse faculty” to come work at OU.

— More “funding and assistance for all multicultural communities.” This means scholarships for “multicultural” students and the President’s Office matching student government funding allocations by 15 percent.


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Nothing remarkable for a generation of malcontents who see everything through the lens of race and think money grows on trees.

“Given that the administration is not giving us our top demand due to bureaucratic barriers we are asking for additional demands to make up for this gap in the changes we are looking to bring from this sit-in and strike.”

Given that these morons have not even a passing familiarity with punctuation, I would hope that the university demand that they take and pass remedial English.

‘Black Emergency Response Team’
BERT? Really? And you expect to be taken seriously?

    henrybowman in reply to GWB. | January 22, 2021 at 1:36 pm

    They sound like a blue city subway, don’t they?
    Next week, they’ll announce the Emergency Response Network for Institutional Equity.

Bless they young blackazz, aks dem do-dey need a group photo complete wit’ dey name for future reference?

Giving student protesters what they want is much like feeding a bear. Feeding a bear is safe. The danger comes when you STOP feeding the bear, when he may take your hand instead.

The same applies to student protesters. Whatever you give them, it only empowers them to demand more. Power is what they seek, and they will destroy anyone they can to get it.

OU should organize-Sooners Help to Expel Recalcitrant Black Emergency Response Turds