Obamanomics | Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion
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Obamanomics Tag

Earlier today Prof. Jacobson covered an issue I wanted to get to, Gov’t still controls the sequester pain meter. His argument was: The “unilateral” “across-the-board” sequester cuts seemingly absolve government of any responsibility. Actually, the opposite is true. While some decreases in the growth of government are mandated,...

The danger of overplaying one's strong hand....

Here's a description of the "fiscal cliff": So just what is this "fiscal cliff" that has the financial markets rattled and economists and policymakers alike in a tizzy over the potential for sending the economy into another tailspin? It's a one-two punch of expiring Bush-era tax cuts and...

Obama wants to create a Department of Business in his second term. So what might an Obama Business District look like? From a reader: After a day of fun and frolic in St. Louis we drove back to Illinois to discover East St. Louis has renamed its BUSINESS...

From Kevin Rennie's Daily Ructions: Greenwich, Connecticut resident Thomas Peterffy takes to the airwaves today to speak of the blessings of freedom. He’s an authority. Peterffy was born, according to Forbes, in Hungary in 1944 “during a Russian bombing raid.” He made it to America in...

Three radio events yesterday, all related to my post Obama and Warren cribbed “build it” narrative from progressive Berkeley Professor. 1. Rush featured the post in a lengthy segment.  I don't have the audio, but the transcript is here. (Audio added via DailyRushbo): 2. I was a...

A really good political cartoon sums up the absurdity of a situation without much verbiage. This cartoon by A.F. Branco (original here, reprinted with permission) captures perfectly how out of touch Obama is when discussing the role of government in helping individuals succeed. Sure, taxes (including from business...

To make it perfectly clear to those of you who want to keep more than a hunk of your money, who think you are successful because you are smarter or worked harder, who think you built that business, good for you...

As you know from the primaries, I'm no fan of John Sununu. But when it comes to Obama's complete lack of understanding and disdain for what makes this country's economy work, Sununu got it right yesterday Despite the media hoopla, tell me exactly what was wrong with this statement: In...

The whole outsourcing attack on Romney is stupid, because there's no evidence he actually outsourced jobs abroad, and being able to use global labor where there is no American equivalent makes American corporations more competitive. The question is whether there were any abusive means used,...

The most shocking thing to me about this video is not that Harvard Law Professor Robert Mangabeira Unger looks so old. When I was in law school he was a baby-faced rising star on the faculty (his photo from that time period still is on his...

Solyndra's LEED certified 400,000+ sq ft. facility in Fremont, California, has been for sale since mid-April. Reader Ann was driving by the building today, and just couldn't help but snap a photo: Update:  Thanks to commenter Liberty Jane for clarifying the image: ...

What is known in the media and Obama campaign speak as The Worst Recession Since The Great Depression, or The Great Recession, is Obama's excuse for everything. It's Bush's fault, Obama inherited all our problems, etc. The Bush Great Recession is Obama's pass to pass the buck. So keep in...

This was read by Rush Limbaugh on air today. Romney likens work at Bain Capital to Obama’s auto industry bailout: “In the general election I’ll be pointing out that the president took the reins at General Motors and Chrysler – closed factories, closed dealerships laid off thousands...