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Obama Speech Tag

Obama is holding another press conference today, at 11 a.m. , with regard to the debt talks.  The last press conference was an unmitigated disaster for him, leading one MSNBC talking head to drop the "D" bomb. My take is that we will see a different...

I still can't put aside Obama's press conference earlier this week. Obama was seething with mockery and disdain for almost everyone other than himself, with Republicans in Congress a focus. To say that the press conference was not presidential is an understatement. Mark Halperin was right,...

Mark Halperin confirmed my impression of Obama's divisive, dismissive and demeaning performance at his press conference yesterday: The interesting thing for me is not that Halperin thought it, but that he said it thinking it would not make it to the airwaves. Compare such a...

I watched Obama's press conference today, and he is a wonder to behold.  He is a relentless demagogue who plays Americans against Americans and sets up false choices as part of a class warfare agenda. Here's a false choice (my rough transcription) which jumped out at...

... "We got bin Laden, and our troops will be out early in my second term if you reelect me, because we got bin Laden, and I never will forget the sacrifice of the troops who helped me get bin Laden, USA USA USA!"...

Without a teleprompter.And if he gets any details wrong, or if any historian disagrees (even if many agree), he has no business being President.The text is here, follow along:(Elevated from Video of the Day at request of commenter LukeHandCool.)--------------------------------------------Follow me on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTubeVisit...

Jeffrey Goldberg at The Atlantic has been leading the charge, echoed by many, not only that Bibi Netanyahu was disrespectful to "my President," but also that Obama's statement regarding Israel's borders in his Middle East speech last Thursday did not represent any meaningful change in U.S. policy.In...

First it was Bibi Netanyahu stating that Israel will not go back to the 1967 borders.Now it is the Queen of England refusing to click glasses.Maybe she was upset that he had to read his toast from index cards, or maybe it was protocol.I don't care. ...

The disloyalty card is being played by Jeffrey Goldberg (who took great offense to Benjamin Netanyahu's perceived disrespect towards "my President"), Glenn Greenwald (the evil and disloyal Israel Lobby, again) and Andrew Sullivan (the Israeli-influenced media and the crazy Christians, again).Yet these critics who are so quick to run for...

Why yesterday for Obama to unload the demand that Israel withdraw to the pre-1967 borders, with some negotiated land swaps?  Contrary to what some are claiming, this is a new formulation.  Under the Obama formulation, Israel has a land mass fixed by the 1949 armistice lines,...

Israel's pre-1967 borders had no geographical or military logic.  Those borders simply were the armistice lines after the Arabs failed to drive the Jews into the sea.The border is not defensible, as it leaves the middle of Israel only about 10 miles wide.  One of the reasons...

Barack Obama is going to speak today about the Middle East.It will be a historic speaking.  He will speak to the world.  He will tell us what we are incapable of knowing without him speaking.  Everyone will watch, and listen, because he is going to...

In writing about Obama's "alligator moat" speech yesterday, I didn't pick up on this comment (video here), which is being reported as a dig at Fox News (emphasis mine):One CEO has this to say about reform, ‘American ingenuity is a product of the openness and...

Someone should start keeping count, and see which rises faster, the national debt or Obama's use of the bin Laden killing:--------------------------------------------Follow me on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTubeVisit the Legal Insurrection Shop on CafePress!...

The war in Europe was over, but the war in the Pacific went on.  Truman announced the victory with solemn caution of the road ahead.And then for a day, Americans spiked the football:--------------------------------------------Follow me on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTubeVisit the Legal Insurrection Shop on CafePress!...

I missed the introductory video (below) shown just before Obama's speech at the White House Correspondents' Dinner last night, because the cable networks did not cut in until he began to speak.The video was called to my attention by Ben Smith's column, in which Smith made...