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Obama Speech Tag

I did not get a chance to listen to Obama's "the end of the deficit as we know it" speech.  Karl Rove is speaking on campus tonight, and I attended a private, off-the-record meeting with Rove and all of the openly conservative faculty in this...

After the budget deal was announced late last night, Obama gave a speech, apparently reading a teleprompter once again, which was nothing short of bizarre.Obama gave a campaign speech, with the Washington Monument in the backdrop, and with the now-typical story of some letter Obama...

...."Did you say Iran, sorry I didn't hear you, what was that, we can't dictate the terms of change for others, except when we do, and did, but only with a coalition, My Fellow Americans, Bush bad in Iraq, me good in Libya, because I...

President Obama visited Manitowoc, Wisconsin yesterday, to tout his "Sputnik moment" theme.  As reported by The Washington Post:President Obama took his State of the Union message on the road Wednesday afternoon in a state that he won easily in 2008 but that shifted sharply to...

I found two great pieces on the State of the Union address last night (I read the leaked version but didn't bother finding a TV to watch): "State of the Union speeches are typically unimpressive and unmemorable. Last night's address by President Obama was in...

I doubt you could find any issue on which 92% of people in this country agree.  And certainly not when the issue is political.Yet CBS News ran an "online poll," which is getting plenty of attention, showing that 92% of people "approve of the proposals...

The State of the Union speech has a title:(if you like this tweet, please retweet)--------------------------------------------Related Posts:Obama's Post-Election Press Conference In One Sentence Obama's Gulf Speech In One SentenceArkansas Primary Result in 28 CharactersFollow me on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube Visit the Legal Insurrection Shop on...

Update:  Final stats, 982 readers participated, generating 537 comments in about 3 hours.  Thanks to all.Event feed goes live at 8:00 p.m. E.S.T.You can comment in the feed with any of the usual social media user i.d.'s such as Twitter, Facebook and Open ID (Google, Yahoo,...

As you know, I've expressed my doubts about Politico.  But the reality is that Politico is one of the major internet news sources and will be for the foreseeable future.While my prior criticisms applied to Politico's news operations, I also was frustrated that whenever I...

The people have spoken, and there will be no Live Event for Obama's State of the Union address.Instead, we will have a Live Event for Paul Ryan's historic address to the nation on Tuesday night, starting at approximately 10 p.m. E.S.T.But since we don't know precisely when Congressman...

First draft of Obama's upcoming State of the Union Address, as edited by the White House communications team:My Fellow Americans, I have a plan, but I can't tell you about it because you are worried about jobs.  If I really cared what you thought about...

One of my readers has asked if we will be doing a Live Event (similar to what we did on November 2 and last January for the MA Election) for Tuesday's State of the Union address.What do you think? (Poll closes at midnight tonight)--------------------------------------------Follow me on...

From ABC News:President Obama’s dramatic news at last night’s memorial service in Tucson that Rep. Gabrielle Giffords’ has just minutes before opened her left eye for the first time since the shooting has created some confusion in light of news from doctors that Giffords “could...

As I posted yesterday, I thought Obama gave a good speech at the Tucson memorial.  The mainstream media, which has been seeking a way to redeem Obama's presidency, is portraying the speech as turning point in which Obama brought us all together, in contrast to...

I thought Obama's speech at the memorial for the Tucson shooting victims was a good speech, better in writing than in delivery, which is unusual for him.The pep rally atmosphere was strange, but I learned long ago that people grieve in their own ways.  And...

...I understand that you think I don't understand what the people said yesterday, but please understand that the people didn't understand what I have been saying for two years, which is understandable because it's hard to understand things when you're scared and confused, capiche?--------------------------------------------Related Posts:Obama's Gulf Speech...

The high and mighty Democrats in Rhode Island who paid $7500 per plate to attend an elaborately catered dinner with Barack Obama were left with an empty seat at the table.As reported by The Providence Journal, after giving a 20-minute speech to those gathered at the...

Obama just can't fathom why people oppose his policies.  They can't be thinking people.  They must be stupid and scared:"Part of the reason that our politics seems so tough right now, and facts and science and argument do not seem to be winning the day...