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Obama – Post Presidency Tag

Obama's 2020 DNC speech was almost the opposite of the 2004 DNC speech that propelled him onto the national stage. If you watched this week, you heard very little about hope and the things that bring Americans together. Instead, this was a dark speech that was heavier on Obama's dislike of Trump than why you should vote for Joe Biden. MSNBC's Rachel Maddow loved the speech, naturally, but it also scared her.

The left cannot help themselves. They take advantage of every opportunity to attack President Donald Trump's administration. President Barack Obama did just that in his eulogy to Rep. John Lewis. But it's what he does best. Politicize and campaign whenever he can.

There was a time in the long ago past that we did Open Threads. Basically opening the floor to whatever you wanted to talk about in the comment section. I have a lot of topics on my plate, but every now and then you need to stop and pause.

As far as political videos go, this one is pretty funny. Monday morning, Trump tweeted a video (not a product of his official re-election campaign) which shows "Obama" and a few other guys watching a game. During the commercial break, clips of Biden at his weirdest, the guys look at "Obama" who shrugs and goes, "what?" Obama's head is clearly superimposed on another's body in what was originally an Allstate ad.

Professor Jacobson recently wrote a post about Obama's recent rhetoric against President Trump. In giving his speech, Obama was violating the traditional code of behavior for ex-presidents, which was to keep their mouths shut and refrain from criticizing their successors. But no one on earth should be surprised by the fact that Obama just can't stay away. In fact, there's evidence that he's been trying to undermine Trump since Trump first took office, and perhaps even before.

Online streaming giant Netflix announced Monday its plans to form a "storytelling partnership with Barack and Michelle Obama." "President Barack Obama and Michelle Obama have entered into a multi-year agreement to produce films and series with Netflix, the world’s leading internet entertainment service," says Netflix.

In withdrawing from the Iran nuke deal, the U.S. did not breach a commitment of the United States. The Trump administration reversed a non-binding, ephemeral policy preference of Barack Obama, who refused to submit the deal as a Treaty under Article II, Section 2, Clause 2 of the Constitution. Had the nuke deal been a treaty, it would have been the supreme law of the land.

When I visited the Richard M. Nixon and Ronald Reagan Presidential Libraries during the Christmas season of 2016, I was struck by the appropriate scale of both facilities. The Nixon building was about the size of a metropolitan library and had his childhood home and the Marine One helicopter. Reagan's library was far grander, as befitted a great President with an impressive legacy.

I had a wonderful experience touring the Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan presidential libraries in 2015, where I savored history and celebrated American culture. The plans for the Barack H. Obama presidential library seem to be taking a less scholarly turn, as they appeared to be geared to turning the facility into a progressive activity center:
The architectural centerpiece of the Obama campus—a 100-plus-foot-tall stone-clad tower—could also see its final look evolve. Though the designers confirmed the completion of 30 different studies for the structure, they would not elaborate on any changes. As far as programming is concerned, the tower’s top level will include an observation space open to the public while the museum itself would be accessible only by paying ticket holders.

Many of us will look back on 2017 with some regrets. However, few will have as many as blue state Democratic politicos who decided to embrace the #Resistance instead of acting as true representatives of their states' citizens. Rather than negotiate or compromise with either President Trump or the Republicans, they have postured and tweeted away this past year as if there were absolutely no consequences to be faced. As 2018 opens, the bill has come due. I noted last week that the Department of Justice quashed a $3 million project with Los Angeles over that municipality's proudly proclaimed "Sanctuary City" status.