Nutroots | Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion - Part 2
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The class clown of the academic internet is beclowning again; must be he's upset with my investigation into Elizabeth Warren so he attacks the only way he knows how.  Rather than address the merits, he picks a three and one-half year old post of mine and calls me names.  Class act. So I thought I'd revisit the wise observation by Prof. Stephen Bainbridge of UCLA Law School:

"a discussion with the likes of Brad DeLong is not productive"

I figured that out a long time ago. But now my friends Larry Ribstein, Jonathan Adler, JW Verret, and Todd Henderson have figured it out too. I won't bother you with the merits of the argument, because you can't have an argument--let alone a conversation--with someone with Delong's consistent pattern of, as Adler puts it, "selective editing" and misrepresenting his opponent's positions. To quote Adler again, "Yes, this is the same Professor DeLong who repeats baseless accusations against other academics and then, when asked to substantiate his charges, selectively edits his comment threads and then dissembles about said editing when called on it." I believe it was George Bernard Shaw who said "I learned long ago, never to wrestle with a pig. You get dirty, and besides, the pig likes it." Hence, I agree with Larry that "a discussion with the likes of Brad DeLong is not productive." With luck, this'll be the last time his toxic style of intellectual thuggery and execrable personality will be mentioned in these pages.

It's November 7.  Barack Obama has won.  The Republican presidential strategy has failed.  The media is jubilant.  The right-blogosphere is going through a serious introspection.  The left-blogosphere is dancing on our graves and shoving it down our throats.  Four years of fighting the Obama agenda...

Whether the pick of Paul Ryan for Veep was a good pick or a bad pick or something in between is irrelevant at this point. Ryan was the pick. The left-wing writers and bloggers are all over it, portraying the pick as extremist and a cave to...

James O'Keefe is loathed on the left almost on a par with what Andrew Breitbart experienced.  From ACORN to NPR to voter fraud in 2012, O'Keefe and his camera have caused havoc. Yet when blogger Adam Weinstein of Mother Jones approached O'Keefe this year at Netroots Nation, they had...

Anne Sorock attended the Netroots Nation convention yesterday morning, and asked a thoroughly legitimate question of the members of a panel on Native American identity: "I thought it was really interesting in particular that you wondered to yourself, 'what is a real Indian,' and you also...

Glenn Greenwald had a post Friday titled Billionaire Romney donor uses threats to silence critics. The post concerns Frank VanderSloot, an Idaho businessman who Greenwald alleges bullies political opponents by threatening frivolous defamation and copyright suits.  I don't know if VanderSloot is guilty as charged by Greenwald,...

Can you imagine the uproar if a major conservative publication ran an image like this? The image is from New York Magazine, however, and it's in support of gay marriage, so the response will be muted, Obama Gay Marriage Evolution Watch: Day 468. A writer at WaPo does take...

Today is the anniversary of the shooting of Gabrielle Giffords and the murder of several others, including a federal judge and a young girl, by Jared Loughner. The victims appropriately will be remembered. Further investigation revealed that Loughner lived in a non-political paranoid delusional world, and to the extent...

The second Mitt Romney announced he would not release his income tax returns if he becomes nominee I predicted it would not stand because the refusal would, at a minimum, create a major distraction.  It's part of a larger problem with secrecy which will haunt Romney if...

On Christmas Day 2009, Abdul Farouk Umar Abdulmutallab attempted to detonate exposives contained in his underwear on a flight arriving in Detroit.  Abdulmutallab unexpectedly pleaded guilty in November 2011. As reported by ABC News on December 26, 2009: The plot to blow up an American passenger jet over Detroit was organized...