Nutroots | Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion - Part 18
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On the controversy regarding the arrest of Harvard Professor Henry Louis Gates, Jr., Martha St. Jean at Huffington Post writes:I believe Gates did what anyone would do, he yelled at the officer, probably called him a few names and maybe told him he was not...

If you want a good measure of how desperate Barack Obama has become to force through his health care agenda before the August recess, there is no better evidence than Obama's conference call yesterday with far left bloggers such as Crooks and Liars, Hullabaloo, and...

The headline you will never see, even in response to a post such as Palin: All Tail, No Head. The post title that has nothing to do with the post (which was about fundraising). But using sexual innuendo when writing about Sarah Palin has become...

I have blogged about the horrendous treatment of Trig Palin by many left-wing bloggers. While making fun of Trig's Down syndrome makes such attacks particularly disgusting, the point is ...

Sarah Palin's announcement that she will resign as Governor of Alaska has kicked off a new round of attacks on Palin's intelligence and integrity from pundits on both sides of the political spectrum. For most of the commentators, the resignation signals an end to Palin's...

Sarah Palin is a quitter, according to certain commentators, because she did not serve out her term of office. If that is the case, Palin is in "good" company.I present to you, Barack Obama, photographed in front of the Capitol, the building where he served...

I waited a whole day before posting about the Sarah Palin resignation. Well, not a whole day, but longer than almost everyone else in the blogosphere. Here's my take as of this moment in time, subject to change:I don't know why Sarah Palin resigned, what...

Andrew Sullivan is back on his Trig Palin birther hoax theory, that Sarah Palin is the grandmother and Bristol Palin is the mother. Or what Sullivan calls And The Story The MSM Still Won't Touch.Sullivan has no evidence, just unanswered questions. That's all it takes...

You know the 2012 campaign has started, because the hatchet-men and women of the media are attacking Sarah Palin based on anonymous sources (including some allegedly from the McCain campaign) and dubious rumors and innuendo.First there were the mounting attacks on the Palin daughters and...

It really is hard to understand why some adults feel the need to make fun of Trig Palin, a one-year old who has Down Syndrome. Politics alone cannot explain it. If you don't like Sarah Palin, fine, but why go after Trig?The controversy regarding the...

The claims of election fraud in Iran and resulting civil unrest have given rise to a conspiracy theory which is making its way through the internet: The claims of Iranian election fraud are an Israeli-created hoax spread by manipulating Twitter.The first reference to this conspiracy...

To read Andrew Sullivan's posts on the suppression of the opposition in Iran, you would think American "NeoCons" (whoever they may be) were in the streets swinging batons from the backs of motorcycles, trashing the library at Tehran University, and breaking into homes in pursuit...

I have to say, the left-wing blogosphere has been pretty responsible as relates to the Iranian election fraud.I've followed the posting via Memeorandum by Andrew Sullivan, Matthew Yglesias, Spencer Ackerman, Digby, Hilzoy, and others with whom I normally disagree. While I might not have their...

In the aftermath of the passage of California Proposition 8, which enshrined the traditional definition of marriage into the California Constitution, some gay marriage advocates engaged in anti-Mormon agitation, as I documented repeatedly. There were ugly scenes of protesters carrying signs urging a boycott of...

One thing, to a certainty, is that the Holocaust Museum shooting by a long-time neo-Nazi white supremacist, who previously committed an attempted shooting at the Federal Reserve in 1981, will be used for political purposes.Although the shooting is only hours old, numerous blogs already are...

Annonyblogging-Gate keeps going, with new posts by Jonah Goldberg and others at Memeorandum.One blog post that hasn't received enough attention, though, is by Simon Owens at Bloggasm, who actually has spoken with both Ed Whelan and Publius. Are bloggers allowed to speak to people rather...

Conservative blogger Ed Whelan "outed" an anonymous liberal blogger who penned under the name Publius. Turns out Publius is a junior law professor who was afraid that revealing his identity would jeopardize his career prospects and family relationships. While Publius worried about the reaction of...

See HotAir and Michelle Malkin for more examples of "kill Bush" memorabilia. -------------------------------------------- Related Posts: Remember Ilan Halimi Phony Outrage Over "Armed And Dangerous" Further Proof Liberal Bloggers Need To Study History Follow me on Twitter and Facebook ...