Nutroots | Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion - Part 16
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Oliver Willis compares Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty's statement that Pawlenty would consider whether the 10th Amendment allows a state to opt out of a potential federal health care plan with to George Wallace standing in the doorway to bar blacks from the University of Alabama.Here...

South Carolina Republican Rep. Joe Wilson called Barack Obama a liar for claiming that Obama's health reform proposals do not apply to illegal aliens.As I pointed out before, whether Wilson or Obama is right on the subject depends upon which health care bill one looks...

To read the left-wing blogosphere and mainstream media, one would think that the American people were victims of a vast right-wing conspiracy. As if the critics of creeping government control of the health care and economic systems somehow were misleading an otherwise liberal population into...

The lesson being learned by the left-wing blogosphere from the sputtering Glenn Beck boycott and the Van Jones Affair is not that political arguments should be won on the merits, and in the hearts and minds of the public.No, the lesson being learned is that...

At his Liberaland blog, Alan Colmes of the hated Fox Network asks: Van Jones Resigns; Who Will They Go After Next?Good question, but it depends on what the meaning of "they" is. According to Keith Olbermann and Gene Robinson, the next White House official to...

The internet is abuzz today with news that Glenn Beck foe and Obama administration Green Czar Van Jones is a 9/11 Truther, meaning he thinks the Bush administration either planned or at least knew of the 9/11 attacks in advance.Jones will end up resigning, and...

I told you this was coming. Two weeks ago I predicted that when Glenn Beck returned from vacation, he would go on the offensive against Van Jones and the others behind the boycott of Beck's Fox News show.This was the only available strategy, since the...

Mathew Yglesias is one of the leading liberal bloggers pushing ObamaCare KennedyCare. Since every Senate vote counts, Yglesias and other KennedyCare promoters need to justify the Massachusetts legislature's pending flip-flop on how to select a successor to Ted Kennedy, to allow the Democratic Governor to...

Four years ago, someone published photos of a guy dancing on Ronald Reagan's grave. The photos were posted also at the "Princess Sparkle" blog, with this commentary:I've never met the sassy youngster in the above photos, but he's a Pony Pal™ by default. What's he...

How to react to Ted Kennedy's death? There certainly is an initial inclination to react the way so many left-wing blogs reacted to the death of Robert Novak, such as this post at the prominent Crooks and Liars:Novak will perhaps be best remembered -- if...

You would be hard-pressed to find a better example of how uncompromising the left-wing of the Democratic Party has become than the attempts to make sure the Obama administration and moderate Democrats do not compromise on the public option.Jane Hamsher, one of the most prominent...

So predicts Gerald Warner in The Telegraph newspaper, in a column with the lengthy and highly descriptive title President Pantywaist in retreat: Barack Obama hoists the white flag over Stalinist health care proposals. [h/t Tim Blair] After reading the title, I'm not sure you...

Ed Morrissey at HotAir has the rundown on the faltering boycott of Glenn Beck's Fox News show. As predicted here, the failure of the boycott has numerous benefits.What's more, the people pushing this boycott have stepped in it this time. There is no indication that...

Think Progress, the Democratic policy and media-watch organization, broke the story that someone in the audience at a health care town hall in Las Vegas shouted "Heil Hitler" at an Israeli giving a talk about the Israeli system. Needless to say, the video is being...

Barack Obama has invoked his experience with his grandmother's death in support of his health care restructuring plans.Does this mean Obama used his grandmother as a "prop," and that this would justify mocking his grandmother? No.We each have personal experiences with the health care system,...

And makes it look easy. Rick Perlstein's pathetic, almost psychotic, rant in The Washington Post, In America, Crazy Is a Preexisting Condition, was was greeted by the nutroots as the best thing since Keith Olbermann's "you are a fascist""you are a fraud""how dare you" rants....

A group called Color of Change is putting pressure on advertisers to stop running ads on the Glenn Beck show on Fox News because Glenn Beck said mean things about Barack Obama. Apparently several advertisers, including Geico, Sargento Cheese, and others, have succumbed to the...

Think Progress, the Democratic policy and media-watch group, has come up with an amazing discovery. Sarah Palin was in favor of voluntary, private counseling so that people could put their end-of-life affairs in order, before she was against government bureaucrats getting involved in a mandatory...