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North Carolina Tag

A Democratic candidate for the Senate seat currently being held by Thom Tillis (R-NC) lashed out at Sen. Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) at a recent campaign stop. She accused the former DSCC chairman of handpicking a primary candidate he wanted to win instead of allowing Democratic voters to decide.

We have witnessed a lot of wailing and hand-wringing from #NeverTrumpers about the death of conservatism in the "age" of Trump.  Never mind that eight years is hardly an "age," and that's the maximum Trump can spend as president. You'd never know it from the "conservatives" who claim some higher set of principles . . . principles it seems that makes someone with all of Trump's personality flaws and none of his essential attributes (or even a socialist) a more attractive president than Orange Man Bad.

Everything is a white supremacist slur! Dan McCready, the Democrat running for North Carolina's 9th District House seat, suggested that his Republican opponent Dan Bishop used a white supremacist slur when his ad called Democrats clowns after he shared a Daily Kos article trying to push "an obscure alt-right meme."

On April 16, 2018, the Durham North Carolina City Council passed the “Israel Resolution” making Durham the first city in the United States to boycott police training specifically with Israel. This took place even though Durham conducted no police training with Israel, and had no plans to do so. It was purely an anti-Israel symbolic act designed to demonize Israel, as part of a broader racist, anti-Semitic campaign under the banner of "Deadly Exchange" to falsely blame Israel for policing problems, including shootings, in minority communities in the United States.