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UNC Charlotte Holding Seminar to Help Advisers Avoid ‘Maintenance of Oppressive Systems’

UNC Charlotte Holding Seminar to Help Advisers Avoid ‘Maintenance of Oppressive Systems’

“Academic Advising for Social Justice”

This looks like it’s just more left wing jargon. What does it have to do with scholarship?

The College Fix reports:

UNC Charlotte seminar to help academic advisors avoid ‘maintenance of oppressive systems’

A coming “webinar” at the University of North Carolina Charlotte will assist academic advisors on becoming the “best possible allies” to students … which includes not contributing to the “maintenance of oppressive systems.”

The National Academic Advising Association’s “Academic Advising for Social Justice: Theory, Reflection, and Practice” takes place in mid-April of next year, and will add to previous events such as their 2015 webinar “Academic Advising and Social Justice: Privilege, Diversity, and Student Success.”

In the 2020 workshop,

presenters will challenge participants to engage in critical reflection about themselves and the profession to better understand how we can hear our students lived experiences and work towards being the best possible allies for them. Are there ways in which we unwittingly contribute to the maintenance of oppressive systems that do not serve all students equitably? How can we process our discomfort as a participant in oppressive systems? The presenters will examine the role of emotionality for both advisors and students in this important dialogue, discuss contemporary advising approaches, and explore the concept of counternarratives as a means to work towards social justice in advising.


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I have a degree from UNCC and am disappointed to see this nonsense. I discontinued my alumna giving several years ago due to an unrelated matter, but this makes me want to stop giving again.

    I hope you’ll send them an e-mail/letter and let them know that.
    UNC system is rife with this PC nonsense. We have a graduate from one of them and will not fund marxism.

Charles N. Steele | December 31, 2019 at 9:18 am

It’s not left wing jargon. It’s marxist brainwashing and bullying. “Social justice” is socialism. Either we expunge this from our universities, entirely cut off taxpayer subsidies to higher ed, or lose to these thugs.