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Minnesota Tag

Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) reportedly violated federal tax law by jointly filing her tax returns in both 2014 and 2015 with a man to whom she was not legally married; indeed, at that time, she was legally married to another man.

Fox News has reported that freshman Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) received a book deal worth $250,000 that will detail her move to America to Congress. However, the book deal announcement comes at a time when Omar has come under fire from numerous people over her controversial comments about Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC), Israel, and the Covington Catholic students.

In October, it looked like Keith Ellison might lose his race for Minnesota Attorney General, even though he was the favorite. I discussed Ellison's troubling and continued relationship with Louis Farrakhan, and the accusations by a former girlfriend of domestic abuse,  in my post, Is political end finally here for former Farrakhan activist Keith Ellison? Down 7 points in Minnesota AG race.

The Democrats need to hold all their seats and win 23 seats in order to have control of the House of Representatives. It looks like they're going to lose a seat in Minnesota's 8th District, which is a heavy Democrat district. The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) decided to pull $1 million in funding to support Democrat candidate Joe Radinovich since his Republican opponent Pete Stauber has a 15 point lead!

When will the rhetoric quiet down? Apparently not soon enough since the Minnesota Democratic Party suspended a communications staffer due to a joke he made about beheading Republicans. That joke comes days after two Republican candidates for the state government reported assaults against them during this week. One of them suffered a concussion.