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Media Bias Tag

According to Dave Neiwert, Eliminationist theorist in chief, when he looked at the crowd at the Restoring Honor rally, he was sure the next Timothy McVeigh was out there:Well, Glenn Beck's eyes certainly weren't dry. He started weeping while telling the crowd that somewhere out...

The image on The Washington Post [see note below] website of the Restoring Honor rally today in Washington, D.C., reminded me of the advertising concept of subliminal seduction, where images are inserted into an advertisement in such a way as to send a message to...

Instead, use the terms:"Nearly Worthless AP" or "Almost Worthless AP"Because AP is not literally Worthless.  Hell, even Newsweek sold for a buck.For consistency of message, here is a succinct summary of President Obama’s position on AP:Obama has said he believes AP has the right to publish as a...

The New York Times has a pretty fair article by Adam Nagourney about Sharron Angle, after a pretty fair interview.Sure, I could nitpick some of the characterizations in the article, but it really was pretty fair. None of the John Ralston Geraldo-like grandstanding, or usual...

Dave Weigel was the first Journolista to fall in the recent Daily Caller series. Weigel was fired from his blog at The Washington Post (resignation accepted) after emails in which he bad-mouthed conservatives were revealed. Weigel ended up at, owned by WaPo.Weigel either...

Somewhere, Andrew Breitbart must be smiling about this article at Counterpunch, The Other Side of Shirley Sherrod, which exposes Shirley Sherrod in rather bleak terms as to her treatment of black farmers and their families:The swirling controversy over the racist dismissal of Shirley Sherrod from...

Sharron Angle admitted that she tries to manage press relations to receive favorable coverage, which is what every candidate tries to do.Outrage! Shock! How Dare She!And not just from the usual suspects.I say:How refreshing! Truth! More please!Now Harry Reid would never make such a mistake....

According to The Guardian, neo-Nazi groups are on the rise in Mongolia in reaction to increased domination by ethnic Chinese: Dayar Mongol threatened to shave the heads of women who sleep with Chinese men. Three years ago, the leader of Blue Mongol was convicted of...

Glenn Reynolds writes in the Knoxville News today about the Journolist, Controversy proves collusion among liberal journalists: Like most email lists, much of the content was profane or sophomoric - like [Eric] Alterman's reference to Bush supporters as "f***ing Nascar retards," public radio producer Sarah...

The left-wing blogs and media are hoping beyond hope that Shirley Sherrod sues Andrew Breitbart.One common theme, echoed by Sam Stein at HuffPo, and various people he quotes, is that the original clip released by Breitbart was "false."To portray the clip as "false" is wrong....

There are "elements" within the Democratic Party.Frightening elements.Don't talk to me about context. Or try to explain that the words do not mean what they appear to mean.These were hateful words which must be taken in isolation and then attributed to all Democrats, because that...

Chris Muir takes note:Worry not, Dear Journolistas,You still have your youthful snark, irrelevant wit, what the f@#k kick ass attitudes, and epistemic closures; and you still can suckle at the informational bosom of Mother Media Matters, and call it journalism.--------------------------------------------Related Posts:My One Question for WaPo Regarding...

I have not watched any clips of Obama on The View.I will not watch any clips of Obama on The View.Although I still may comment about Obama on The View, anyway, because I have seen photos of Obama on The View (I tried not to...

Shirley Sherrod is going to sue Andrew Breitbart, she says. The liberal internets are all aTwitter with joy. Andy finally is going to get his comeuppance.It is unclear what the grounds for the suit would be.Defamation? For what, showing a two-minute clip of her speech,...

More from The Daily Caller today, detailing the political connections on the Journolist, where Obama operatives, Democratic political strategists, and liberal media types mixed: Despite its name, membership in the liberal online community Journolist wasn’t limited to journalists. Present among the bloggers, reporters and editors...

Chuck Todd, of NBC, whose nomme de guerre is "Chuckie T.," has lost sleep over the Journolist, as quoted by Roger Simon at Politico in a column, Journolist veers out of bounds:“Journolist was pretty offensive. Those of us who are mainstream journalists got mixed in...

Lowest bar ever set for hero-dom (is that a word?).Jonathan Strong, writing about the Heroes of the Journolist: The Daily Caller has highlighted some of Journolist’s worst moments — such as when liberal members of the media plotted to kill important stories about the presidential...