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Media Bias Tag

Paul Krugman has been a leader in the movement among NY Times columnists and left-wing bloggers to demean and isolate the conservative movement by claiming that harsh criticisms of Barack Obama's policies not only are racist, but also incite right-wing violence.In the aftermath of the...

There are many reasons for Doug Hoffman losing by four points.Yes, Hoffman was unknown just a month ago. Yes, Dede Scozzafava and the Watertown Daily Times scared people that Hoffman would not bring home the federal pork. Yes, union backing helped Bill Owens organizationally. Yes,...

Josh Gerstein asks a question a lot of people have been asking: What if George W. Bush had done that?A four-hour stop in New Orleans, on his way to a $3 million fundraiser. Snubbing the Dalai Lama. Signing off on a secret deal with drug...

It's slipping away from the protectors of the Obama image. Increasingly, the mainstream media is using the term "Nixonian" in the same sentence as Obama. And all because of an unnecessary fight Obama picked with Fox News.The term Nixonian has taken on a meaning far...

I've been waiting patiently, armed with foresight that one of these days Bush Derangement Syndrome would work its way into the Balloon Boy hoax story (no links on the story, if you don't know about it, go back to your cave).And I've waited. And waited....

Joe Klein is a concern troll. In purporting to criticize Obama's attacks on Fox News, Klein devotes most of his latest post to attacking Fox News:Let me be precise here: Fox News peddles a fair amount of hateful crap. Some of it borders on sedition....

The Obama administration's attack that Fox News is not a real "news organization" reflects on the psyche not of Fox News but of our Commander in Chief and his emissaries. It also is a pathetic re-write of history in light of the incredibly biased, pro-Obama...

From Chicago-Sun Times columnist Steve Huntley:The White House trying to dictate who's a news organization. Democrats out to gut a business group. Obama media allies damning Americans as racist, unpatriotic and treasonous. Is this the America Obama promised when he campaigned to end the cynical...

The NY Times wants John Corzine, who never met an election he couldn't buy, to defeat Chris Christie in the NJ Governor's race. So the Times is back to its old (never really changed) self, engaging in a hatchet job masquerading as news close to...

Who would associate with the likes of the two South Carolina Republican county committee leaders (yes, county leaders) who wrote to praise Sen. Jim DeMint:There is a saying that the Jews who are wealthy got that way not by watching dollars, but instead by taking...

The new topic of the week is the ugly campaign by CNN's Rick Sanchez, the head of the NFL players union, a variety of loony left-wing blogs, Al Sharpton, and the George Soros crowd, to prevent Rush Limbaugh from being part of a group purchasing...

Every now and then, like the proverbial broken clock, Frank Rich at the NY Times gets something mostly right. His column, The Rabbit Ragu Democrats, gets it mostly right and does a good job exposing the reality that lobbyists for corporate interests are running just...

Boss abuses his position of power to sleep with multiple staff members. One of the staff members, or someone else with knowledge, seeks to extort boss. The boss is a creep who should be shamed for using his power to obtain sex -- am I...

Barack Obama is flooding the news shows this morning with appearances on five networks (excluding Fox, of course). More of the same, as if an address to a joint session of Congress and "major" speeches almost every day were not enough.The attitude from the top...

The NY Times has been largely silent on the ACORN fiasco until today, with an article titled Conservatives Draw Blood From Acorn, Favored Foe. The Times befools itself with the following analysis of why no one previously was able to convince the Obama administration to...

Barack Obama was interviewed tonight on 60 Minutes by Steve Kroft. This little nugget had been previewed in pre-interview press hype. Obama states that he will be held accountable by voters if health care restructuring fails, but in fact just the opposite is true:I have...

South Carolina Republican Rep. Joe Wilson called Barack Obama a liar for claiming that Obama's health reform proposals do not apply to illegal aliens.As I pointed out before, whether Wilson or Obama is right on the subject depends upon which health care bill one looks...

To read the left-wing blogosphere and mainstream media, one would think that the American people were victims of a vast right-wing conspiracy. As if the critics of creeping government control of the health care and economic systems somehow were misleading an otherwise liberal population into...