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Media Bias Tag

There they go again. The leftwing, its media and social media activists, are melting down over this week's annual Sturgis bike rally.  Wuhan coronavirus, they alarm—completely aware that they have been excusing BLM and antifa riots, looting, vandalism, arson, murder, and mayhem for months now—is suddenly a huge threat to public health. Rallies for me, but not for thee.

As we've previously documented, if it's a day ending in "y," it's also one where mainstream media reporters are going to take a Republican out of context and spread fake news stories about them because of narratives and Orange Man Bad. The most recent example of this happening was Thursday during the daily White House press briefing. The issue of whether or not public schools should fully reopen has been a hot topic of much discussion in recent days. President Trump has pushed for in-person school attendance while some governors are opting for a combination of either in-person schooling and remote/online learning, or remote instruction only.

If there's one moment that should chill the radical left and its mind-numbed robots to its core, it's the recent Washington Post article attacking a random leftist woman for "racism" at one of its own Halloween costume parties, a party that took place two years ago. The appalling, sloppy, unprofessional mean girl hit piece on a non-public figure ended up getting the woman fired from her job.

I'm so old I remember when the media would flop onto the nearest fainting couch at the sight of a protester exercising his or her Second Amendment rights.  Remember the wails of horror, fear, and outrage we were treated to when Tea Party activists and, more recently, anti-lockdown protesters were shown lawfully openly carrying perfectly lawful firearms at protests?