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Massachusetts Tag

Anti-Israel activists thrive in darkness. On campuses and municipalities, they spend months and sometimes years planning attacks on Israel that are often unveiled only at the last second, leaving Israel advocates scrambling. That is unfolding with a vile antisemitic campaign called "Deadly Exchange," which seeks to blame Israel and American Jewish groups for domestic U.S. problems in the policing of minority communities. Run by the misleadingly named Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP), Deadly Exchange seeks to exploit pre-existing domestic racial tensions to stoke antisemitism in order to turn minority communities against Israel.

Now that midterms have ended our eyes have strayed to the 2020 presidential election. The Democrats have shown eagerness to do all they can to unseat President Donald Trump. That eagerness means anyone with a D after their name will say anything to get their name out and most of us respond, "Who are you?" For example: Former Massachusetts governor Deval Patrick announced he will not run for president in 2020.