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Los Angeles Tag

We recently reported that over 100 people in the Los Angeles area have contracted the bacterial disease typhus, and the area's public health officials are sounding the alarm about the infectious disease spreading. At the epicenter of the epidemic are the homeless camps, and the Los Angeles Police Department station nearest to the city's Skid Row is battling the rats and fleas that spread the typhus bacteria as the officers attempt to protect themselves from becoming ill.

As election officials are counting chads once more in Florida and in Arizona in search of the victor in the US senate race, there is a district in California that is poised to make history once all the mail-in numbers come in. Young Kim, the Republican candidate, is likely be the first Korean-American woman elected to the US Congress once the final numbers are crunched.
California’s Congressional District 39 was one of the tightest races of the 2018 midterm elections, and even with the votes tallied, the outcome remains far from clear.

Today was a beautiful day in San Diego: Few clouds, 75 degree hight temperature, and light breeze. Why do I bring this up? Because last night's election results for the State lead me to conclude the weather is the sole aspect of this nuthouse worth touting.

California has established itself as the state leader of the anti-Trump resistance. It has declared itself a sanctuary state and continually pushes for far left policies like single payer healthcare. Yet California's own house is in disorder. Los Angeles has a homelessness crisis in its midst.

I recently noted that San Diego has officially declared a Hepatitis A emergency. Hepatitis A is an illness that is spread by contact with an infected person’s feces. Since that initial report, a 16th person has succumbed to the disease and it has been revealed that the city had been warned repeatedly that a disease outbreak was likely to occur unless shortages in sanitation accommodations were addressed.

We recently reported that Attorney General Jeff Sessions vowed to target the nation's law enforcement efforts on the barbaric and brutal El Salvadoran gang, MS13. While the elite media has been attempting to stage a coup-d'-press, it has nearly ignored significant developments that highlight exactly how effective President Donald Trump's administration has been.  For example, Sessions' plans were initiated during an early morning sweep of MS13 gangsters that hit its leadership.

While I am not a fan of football, unlike Meryl Steep, I can respect those who love the game. So, when it came to voting whether to approve a tax hike to fund a new stadium for the San Diego Chargers last November, I asked the San Diego team of independent conservative bloggers for their opinions. They all said, "No!". As W.C Varones noted, "I am so sick of the Chargers and the Padres holding up the taxpayers for subsidies and then fielding horrible teams."

Now that Barack Obama's farewell speech is over, and there is less that 10 days until the inauguration, speculation is beginning about the actions that Donald Trump will take in his first 100 days in office. Doubtless, immigration will be on the top of his task list. Alan Gomez, immigration reporter for USA Today, notes that Trump will have broad presidential powers in dealing with "sanctuary cities".
Trump will be armed with a range of powerful options, including federal lawsuits and the power to withhold hundreds of millions of dollars in grants that states and cities rely on.

Last week, we reported that one of the San Bernardino killers, Syed Rizwan Farook, had pictures of educational institutions on his camera, indicating that high school and college campuses were potentially being targeted for future terror acts. Tuesday, the entire Los Angeles Unified School District has been shut down because of credible threats involving bombs and packages:
All Los Angeles Unified School District schools were closed Tuesday until further notice after LAUSD received a "credible threat," according to school district officials and police.

This "standing headline" is becoming so ubiquitous it ought to be formally recognized as an internet meme. A robbery suspect, identified in the CNN report simply as "Africa" or "Brother Africa" was being arrested by four LAPD officers yesterday in Los Angeles.  He was violently non-compliant, as evidence by the video below and by eye witness testimony.  Witness Yolanda Young told local news reporters from KTLA:
He was down, but then he jumped up, like he was juiced up, and then he started swinging at the police and they were fighting him back.
[NOTE: Video above was replaced on 3/3/315 with a version that was not "fuzzed-out," as was original video.]

We Californians were happy to see the months of October and November pass without a significant wildfire, especially since there was an unusually early start to the fire season in May. However, December opened up with an intense conflagration that may be a real "man-caused disaster".
A large fire in downtown Los Angeles destroyed an apartment tower that was under construction and forced the closure of parts of two major freeways, snarling rush-hour traffic Monday morning. More than 250 firefighters were battling the blaze at 909 West Temple Street early Monday, Los Angeles Fire Department spokesman David Ortiz told the Los Angeles Times. Fire officials also said that two other buildings nearby suffered damage. One building suffered "radiant heat damage" on three floors, while the second suffered fire damage on three floors and water damage on the remaining 14 floors. Officials are inclined to believe it may have been intentionally set, The Times reports. Fires of this magnitude are treated as criminal fires. However, Capt. James Moore said it is "very rare the whole building is engulfed."
Twitter lit up with video from "citizen reporters" via Instagram, and one Los Angelino post this item to YouTube.