WAJ intro: Laurel Conrad is a Cornell University Senior. This is her first post at Legal Insurrection. Laurel is President of the conservative
Cornell Review, and the Cornell chapter of the
Network of Enlightened Women. Laurel interned this summer at The Daily Caller. We look forward to more posts from Laurel this academic year. Follow her on
In February 2013, a series of bias incidents occurred on Oberlin campus. The outraged campus canceled classes and received much attention from the media, including an article in the Huffington Post.
However, the two students who perpetrated the racist acts later claimed that it was a "joke" in order to "troll" the campus, according to the police report. Notably, the lead perpetrator was a liberal student with a history of Obama activism in high school and college.
After the hoax was exposed, the Huffington Post ran an article by the Associated Press, Oberlin Racism Hoax.
However, the AP article left out one critical piece of information, that the hoax was perpetrated by a liberal. We could not have set a better trap if we had tried.
Many of the HuffPo commenters gleefully jumped to the conclusion that the perpetrator of the hoax must be a conservative Rush Limbaugh-listening Republican.
Below, check out these hilarious 15 liberals who just can't handle the truth!
Somehow, I think that the RNC will be just fine without the pseudo-racist Obama supporter.
These are all certainly top-choice colleges for liberal activists!
And yet on Twitter, the student described himself as an “atheist/pacifist/environmentalist/libertarian socialist/consequentialist.” Hmm, something just doesn't add up here….