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Liberals Tag

Robert Gibbs used the term the "Professional Left" in attacking left-wing critics of Obama.I like the term. It carries with it a sense that opposition to Obama from the left does not primarily come from bloggers in underwear sitting in their parents' basements.Some 1st Tier...

How could I not post this?I love how she emphasized the "de" in deranged. The nutroots are not just deranged, they are "de-ranged."In all seriousness. she makes a good point. What was the point again? Oh yeah, the left blogosphere is deranged.At least she didn't...

After the sophomoric "F*ck Tea" campaign started by a prominent progressive organizer hit the internet this week, I wondered, what ever happened to the Coffee Party.Apparently, not much.The Coffee Party has grown cold, as this August 4, 2010, post on the Coffee Party national website...

I guess the Coffee Party astroturf didn't achieve its goal.So one of the people who helped build the Center for American Progress, creator of Think Progress, has created a new movement, hitting upon a slogan which really expresses their profound stupidity and childishness, as reported...

This is rich. Alan Grayson, the buffoon of Democratic Congressmen, wants Robert Gibbs fired, as reported by The Hill: Rep. Alan Grayson (Fla.) Wednesday became the second congressional Democrat to call for White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs' ouster, using colorful moniker to describe him.Gibbs raised...

Watching Robert Gibbs go after the Professional Left, and the Professional Left firing back, certainly has been amusing.But I'll have to stand up for Gibbs, at least in his first heart-felt salvo.Gibbs made two related points. First, that the Professional Left is "crazy" to attack...

I haven't had so much fun since never...

I was asked by Voting Female to comment on Peggy Noonan's recent op-ed at The Wall Street Journal, America Is At Risk Of Boiling Over.The central thesis of Noonan's column is that our political leadership does not understand the rupture in society and growing anger...

Glenn Reynolds writes in the Knoxville News today about the Journolist, Controversy proves collusion among liberal journalists: Like most email lists, much of the content was profane or sophomoric - like [Eric] Alterman's reference to Bush supporters as "f***ing Nascar retards," public radio producer Sarah...

Why do they feel the need to keep telling themselves such things?--------------------------------------------Related Posts:You Can't Out-Bumper-Sticker Oregon, or Can You?Rip Van Bumper StickerBumper Sticker of ChangeFollow me on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube ...

More from The Daily Caller today, detailing the political connections on the Journolist, where Obama operatives, Democratic political strategists, and liberal media types mixed: Despite its name, membership in the liberal online community Journolist wasn’t limited to journalists. Present among the bloggers, reporters and editors...

Lowest bar ever set for hero-dom (is that a word?).Jonathan Strong, writing about the Heroes of the Journolist: The Daily Caller has highlighted some of Journolist’s worst moments — such as when liberal members of the media plotted to kill important stories about the presidential...

So many of the important decisions of the United States Supreme Court are decided by a single vote.Often that vote is Anthony Kennedy. Not a bad single vote to have, considering the alternatives.What if Kennedy's single vote didn't matter anymore because Kennedy or one of...

Question:How many of the Journolists who object to the release of their e-mails regarding the 2008 presidential campaign will spend the next several days gloating over the publication by WikiLeaks of over 90,000 classified military documents regarding the war in Afghanistan?An inconvenient truth?--------------------------------------------Related Posts:What William...

"I am obliged to confess I should sooner live in a society governed by the first 400 names in the Boston telephone directory, than in a society governed by the 400 members of the Journolist."From iOwnTheWorld (click for ever increasing and updated photo montage)(via Instapundit):[Note to...

...Shirley Sherrod peaked.Yesterday.--------------------------------------------Related Posts:Still Waiting For ApologiesContext! For We, But Not For TheeFollow me on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube...

Matthew Yglesias, who blogs at Think Progress, July 21, The Shame of the Daily Caller:The Caller appears to have access to a very large proportion of JournoList emails and they can’t come up with anything that withstands cursory scrutiny.The Daily Caller, July 22:Blogger Matt Yglesias...

Am I the only one to see the multiple levels of irony in this?Ezra Klein, current employee of The Washington Post: "I actually expect this to be my final public comment on the subject."Nate Silver, future employee of The New York Times: "p.s. This is...