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Liberals Tag appears to be a real, not spoof, website in protest against the Arizona immigration bill. (h/t)The site proposes that as a protest people wear a mask featuring a blond-haired white person's face (image right). According to the website:The objective of this action is to...

This is the latest in a series on the use of the race card for political gain:Joan Walsh at sought to atone for her prior use of the race card, in this observation (h/t James Taranto) in this column, Asking the wrong question about...

I'm glad I spent most of yesterday traveling, so that I missed much of the blogospheric tsunami regarding Rand Paul's libertarian views on the virtue of the federal government banning racial discrimination in private businesses.Where I come down on the issue is that the history...

In Graham v. Florida, the Supreme Court held that it violated the constitutional prohibition against cruel and unusual punishments to imprison someone with no possibility of parole based upon crimes, other than homicide, committed while a juvenile.These lines (at page 40 of the pdf.) in...

and American Jews have not done a good job at forcing Israelis to create the Middle Eastern version of the Upper West Side, or something like that, from Peter Beinart and the usual suspects.You know what, they really don't care what you think. And they...

He just can't wrap his mind around it. So he sinks ever deeper into his belief that we fail to understand.But in fact, it is he who fails to understand:Is “Left” becoming a four-letter word? You’d think so lately with each day bringing more news...

This attitude has upset some people:(via HotAir via Ace) Christie must be doing something right if people already are trying to boycott him (via TaxProf):Gov. Chris Christie will remain the speaker at Seton Hall University School of Law’s graduation ceremony later this month despite a...

It must be scary to be who they are.One day, we are totalitarian control freaks who want to post police at every ice cream shop to check for papers.The next day, we are pseudo-anarchists who want no government at all.Today, apparently, we are anarchists in...

I have the answer to the question of why we get conservative rock stars nominated for the Supreme Court, while they get groupies.Here it is:So keep banging the spoon on the high chair.--------------------------------------------Related Posts:The Great Deception of 2008And Now We Stereotype Blacks As LiberalsFollow me...

The NY Times laments that liberals cannot manage to get a full-throttled liberal nominee on the Court to do battle with Antonin Scalia (emphasis mine): The selection of Solicitor General Elena Kagan to be the nation’s 112th justice extends a quarter-century pattern in which Republican...

The left-wing blogosphere hates Elena Kagan. Really. The venom percolating up from the depths of the nutroots is getting pretty toxic.For the most part, the right-wing blogosphere is sitting back and enjoying how people like Glenn Greenwald are tripping all over themselves to attack Kagan...

Strange. I'm not sure I support Elena Kagan for the Supreme Court, assuming she is the nominee, but I'm already finding myself having to defend her.If Elena Kagan were a liberal legal hero, with a long record of reaching the correct conclusions from the left-wing...

The Onion recently released a spoof of a mythical Supreme Court ruling upholding the right to freedom of speech, replete with a fauxto of Ruth Bader Ginsburg flipping a double bird. As with many productions by The Onion, there was a glancing plausibility to the...

One of the arguments raised against the Arizona immigration law (in addition to it being the modern incarnation of Nazism) was that states had no authority under the U.S. Constitution to conduct their own immigration policies.So I presume we will hear howls of constitutional outrage...

There is a fundamental disconnect in the arguments being mounted against the Arizona immigration law. What many of the critics want to say, but do not, is that they view all immigration laws as inherently racist because most illegal immigrants are non-white.There are some legitimate...

It is over-the-top and out-of-control when it comes to the Arizona immigration bill recently signed. Not the law itself, but the reaction.Linda Greenhouse's opinion piece in The NY Times epitomizes the absurd rhetoric (emphasis mine):I’m glad I’ve already seen the Grand Canyon.Because I’m not going...

There are many voices of hate, but the voices most ignored by the mainstream media come not from Tea Parties or maligned conservative groups, but from the intolerant left. After someone who did commercial voice-overs for Geico was fired for leaving threatening messages at FreedomWorks (which...

Seems like someone is learning from the Obama campaign, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Sheldon Whitehouse and other American Democrats.From last night's debate among candidates in Britain (emphasis mine): [Liberal Democrat candidate Nick] Clegg, tried to tie [Conservative candidate David] Cameron to right-wing extremists, a standard...