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In Jackson, MI, transgender man Niki Joly became a gay hero in 2016 and 2017 after he managed to put on a gay festival and have ordinances dropped that discriminated against gay people. The local paper named him Citizen of the Year. But that was not enough attention for Joly because police finally arrested him for arson for burning his own house down in 2017. That fire killed his three cats and two dogs.

When Masterpiece Cakeshop won its case on June 4, 2018, in the U.S. Supreme Court over refusal to bake a cake celebrating a gay wedding, many people assumed it was a win for religious freedom and free speech (the right not to have government compel your speech). The cake shop did not refuse to sell cakes to gays, it simply didn't want to prepare a custom cake with a specific message on it which it believed was contrary to the owner's religious beliefs. But as we covered at the time, the Supreme Court decision was tailored to bias against the cake shop in the Colorado administrative process. Justice Kennedy authored the 7-2 opinion: