Mike Barnicle learned a lesson the hard way this morning: don't challenge Kellyanne Conway without having all your ducks in a row. It won't end well. On
Morning Joe, the subject was the Trump plan to repeal and replace Obamacare.
Barnicle snidely asked Conway "now, do you or do you not have a replacement plan ready to go, ramped up, ready to go, say tomorrow?" When Conway pointed out that there wasn't a confirmed HHS Secretary in place and that she hoped that the Senate Democrats would cooperate on timely and fair hearings,
Barnicle sarcastically responded: "so you're asking the Democrats to be as fair as the Republicans were" at the beginning of the Obama administration?
Conway pounced. Interjecting "they were very fair," Conway had at her fingertips the fact that President Obama had seven of his cabinet nominees confirmed on the day he was inaugurated in 2009, and five more within the week. She also cited chapter and verse on the numerous cabinet appointees that were promptly confirmed at the beginning of George W's administration. It was a bravura performance, and Barnicle was heard no more on the subject.