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Joe Biden Tag

A new poll from Rasmussen finds that most voters believe Joe Biden has basically checked out and that his job is being done by his aides. Of course, lots of people have believed this for months. If you simply watch Biden try to speak without a script, it's nearly impossible not to reach this conclusion.

When thinking and writing about politics, we often focus on the left and the right. However, the people who fall somewhere in between are often more important in elections. The 2022 midterms are still quite a way off. but Biden is not polling well with independent voters. If that trend continues, it could be very bad news for Democrats.

A new poll has found that a majority of Americans don't believe that President Biden is really running the show and that the White House agenda is being driven by other people behind the scenes. There are power players behind the scenes in every administration, but in Biden's case, it's obviously a bigger factor.