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Hollywood Tag

American Sniper opened this weekend, raking in $90.2 million and earning the attention of moviegoers and pundits on both sides of the aisle. Clint Eastwood masterminded the Oscar nominated film that chronicles the life of Iraq War veteran, Chris Kyle, and earned himself the best opening weekend of his career. Bradley Cooper who stars as Kyle, began working on the project in 2012. In an interview with the Navy Times, Cooper explained:
"There hasn't been a character study of a soldier that's gone through this war that I've seen on film," he said. "I liked that idea, and I thought framing it as a Western would be very interesting."
Cooper worked with the men who trained Kyle on sniper weapons. He told The Navy Times:
"The one thing that I could control is, I wanted it to look like this guy that you're watching is very familiar and dexterous with his weapons, and I felt successful with that."
Cooper's portrayal of Kyle was so successful that Kyle's widow told the Military Times she felt as though she was watching her late husband on the silver screen, not Cooper.

If you're a Star Wars fan, you'll want to see this. Disney released an 88 second teaser trailer for their first  Star Wars film, The Force Awakens. Disney purchased Lucasfilm for $4 billion in 2012 from George Lucas who was the sole owner. According to USA Today, Lucas will remain a creative consultant.
"For the past 35 years, one of my greatest pleasures has been to see Star Wars passed from one generation to the next," said Lucas, chairman and CEO of Lucasfilm, in a statement. "It's now time for me to pass Star Wars on to a new generation of filmmakers."
J.J. Abrams is both a writer and director for the latest Star Wars installment with an assist from George Lucas and Lawrence Kasden on the screenplay. Kasden was a co-writer for The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi. Carie Fisher, Harrison Ford, and Mark Hamill make appearances in The Force Awakens (although they're not show in this trailer).

Hollywood is apparently unhappy with Seth MacFarlane’s hosting of the Oscars on Sunday night.  So says the New York Times: Post-Oscar Monday found the movie capital coming to grips with a 3-hour-35- minute ceremony that climbed in the ratings but at its best seemed to hide...

A video published recently by the California Federation of Teachers and narrated by avowed-socialist Ed Asner gained attention because it showed "rich people" pissing on "poor people." But that is not the real vice of the video.  The video is full of substantive lies, as explained brilliantly...

There are times it seems overwhelming how corrupted various aspects of society have become in the effort to impose Obamacare on the country. Hollywood is being pitched by the ad agency hired by California to promote its Obamacare health exchanges to promote Obamacare through sitcoms, reality shows...