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Hillary Clinton Tag

The GOP has decided to use failed Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton as a main part of its midterm strategy in order to keep control of Congress this year. From Fox News:
Even if she avoids the spotlight moving forward, the Republican Party plans to evoke her early and often in key congressional races, particularly in regions Trump won, which feature most of the midterm season’s competitive races. Internal polling and focus groups conducted by Republican campaigns find that Clinton remains one of the most unpopular high-profile Democrats in the nation, second only to Nancy Pelosi, the House minority leader.

Former FBI Director James Comey managed to do the impossible. He forged common ground between President Trump and members of failed Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton's world. Hillary's associates have spoken out against Comey after reading parts of his book and watching his interviews. They've said he's no hero and feel disgusted that he admitted he allowed politics to drive his decisions.

The Committee to Defend the President (CDP), a pro-Trump PAC, has filed a lawsuit against the Federal Election Commission (FEC) for allegedly ignoring complaints of a supposed money laundering scheme used by failed Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton's campaign and the DNC. CDP alleges that the campaign and DNC "used state chapters as strawmen to launder as much as $84 million in an effort to circumvent campaign donation limits, and the Federal Election Commission ignored complaints exposing the practice."

John Solomon, the vice president of digital video at The Hill, appeared on The Ingraham Angle last night to discuss the double standard of attorney-client privilege when it comes to President Donald Trump and failed Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. The FBI recently raided the offices of Michael Cohen, Trump's lawyer, which led the president to declare that attorney-client privilege is dead in America. Many called him a whiner and found excuses to make an exception for this case, but weirdly enough, they and the FBI appeared to back the privilege when it came to Hillary.

Rutgers University paid twice-failed Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton $25,000 for her recent speech, and the relatively low speaking fee is causing quite the buzz. After all, Rutgers paid Nicole “Snooki” Polizzi, of the reality show Jersey Shore more than that in 2011.

Twice-failed Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton is lashing out again.  This time because people, "mostly in the media," keep telling her to shut up and go away.  She must also be referring to the many Democrats who have said the same thing as she keeps pointing at everyone but herself for her 2016 loss to President Trump. Her latest rant suggests that the people who said to her, "Go away, go away," are doing so only because she's a woman.

We all knew this would happen after failed Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton bashed those who did not vote her. She said that women who did not vote for her did so because a man told them not to. Now, Hillary's blame game is coming back to haunt incumbents like Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-MO), who is considered one of the more vulnerable Democrats up for re-election.

During a forum in India, failed Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton lashed out at those in flyover country, implying we hate black people, and stated that women who did not vote for her did so because their husbands told them to. No, Hillary. I didn't vote for you because you're a horrible person and candidate. She received backlash from the right, but now Democrats and even her former aides have come out against her comments.

Following her electoral 2016 electoral loss, Hillary embarked on her Great Delusion Tour. Traipsing about the country, Hillary had reason aplenty why she lost. Conveniently, Hillary's electoral loss was the fault of everyone but her. One of her many campaign foes? White fathers, boyfriends, and husbands. The white patriarchy, you see, has an unseen, powerful influence on white women and was magically able to dissuade them from voting for "the girl", Hillary claimed.

Nothing to see here I guess except that the man who provided the tip to the FBI that started the whole Trump-Russia collusion investigation has ties to failed Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. A recent report claims former Australian Foreign Minister Alexander Downer organized a $25 million donation to the Clinton Foundation.

Former Democrat presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) lashed out at his opponent failed Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton for not doing anything about Russian interference despite having the knowledge and also pushed back that he knew Russian bots backed his campaign. His campaign manager, Jeff Weaver, also told Politico that he has never seen evidence that Russian bots supported Sanders.

Less than two years ago, Hillary Clinton was the star of the show at the Democratic National Convention. Former President Bill Clinton was an honored guest who got rock star treatment. Now that the party has embraced the #MeToo movement and even jettisoned Al Franken, there's no room for Bill on the stage.