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Gretchen Whitmer Tag

The Black Lives Matter movement was born of the Michael Brown shooting in Ferguson, Missouri. While the BLM founders started their organizing after the prior Trayvon Martin case, it was Brown and Ferguson which launched the BLM movement into the public spotlight through the protests and riots in Ferguson. Nothing was more associated with the BLM movement than the chant "hands up, don't shoot," based on the narrative that Brown had his hands raised and said 'don't shoot' when shot. That same chant drives protesters and rioters ripping up cities after the George Floyd killing.

Michigan Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer has become a household name due to her strict lockdown rules during the Wuhan coronavirus pandemic. She urged people to stay away from northern Michigan if they do not reside in the area. However, the owner of a docking company revealed that Whitmer's husband Marc Mallory asked them to put out their family boat in the water before Memorial Day northern Michigan. Oh, Mallory also tried to use his wife's position as governor to receive special treatment.

Earlier today I blogged that the Illinois State Police would not take a reasonable approach to that state's tyrannical governor. Looks like Michigan Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer has the Michigan State Police on a short leash because they swarmed the protest Operation Haircut and issued three citations for disorderly conduct. Disorderly conduct for giving a haircut. Outside. On a nice day.

Barber Karl Manke, 77, became a star after he opened his shop in Owosso, MI, on May 4, despite Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer's shutdown orders. He faced a "90-day misdemeanor and/or a $500 fine." The state requested "a temporary restraining order" because officials considered him "an immediate threat to the public." So state regulators stripped Manke's license.

Just under two months ago, when the nation was under its first "15-days to flatten the curve," I wrote that the situation could not hold, that shutting down the economy was not a sustainable long-term plan. My estimation was that the inflection point would come sometime in May, June at the very latest. I was right. The inflection point has arrived.

The outrageous tyranny of Michigan governor Gretchen Whitmer and her heavy-handed, illogical, and irresponsible Wuhan coronavirus edicts have finally been outdone by another Democrat governor, this time on the east coast. Maine governor Janet Mills jumped on the one-size-fits all Wuhan coronavirus bandwagon, and forced a state-wide shutdown order, including in counties that have tiny numbers of infections and zero deaths.

Today's update features lockdown protests in my home state of California. I have come to the conclusion that the reason a "quarantine" is 40 days long is that is the duration people are willing to be isolated. Many states' governors, recognizing the success of Sweden's approach and evaluating the status of coronavirus infections in their states, are slowly reopening.