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George Soros Tag

“I have always harbored an exaggerated view of my self-importance. To put it bluntly, I fancied myself as some kind of god.”

– Billionaire Hedge Fund Operator George Soros, from his own book, “The Alchemy of Finance”

  The man who broke the Bank of England, Democratic mega-donor George Soros, uses his wealth and influence in United States elections. Now Soros has moved his concentration to District Attorney races across the country.

The Washington Free Beacon broke the story revealing the donors of the anti-Trump "resistance." The donation list is revealing on a number of levels.  It shows the extensive, spider-web interconnectivity of a network of leftist radicals and organizations, and it shows how they ensnare major corporations into financially supporting their radical, anti-American aims. The list includes the usual suspects like George Soros and some suspects new to the political activist realm, namely, the NFL players' union who were happy to join Soros in his latest astroturf efforts, manufacturing the appearance of wide-spread anti-Trump "resistance."

The progressive left's grudging admiration for the Tea Party is evidenced in their intense efforts to recreate our successes. I thoroughly enjoyed watching their various manifestations of "leftist Tea Parties" implode and sink into obscurity.  From the "coffee party" and "no labels party" to Occupy and Black Lives Matter, the progressive left has tried again and again to manufacture its own Tea Party equivalent.

Predictably, the "grassroots" and "spontaneous" women's march wasn't so grassroots, after all.  It may have started as such, but things changed rather quickly.  Ultimately, more than 50 groups, PACs, and assorted organizations backed by billionaire agitator George Soros were deeply involved in the march.

A self-declared "life-long liberal Democrat who voted for Trump" uncovered the tangled web of the money trail for the New York Times.  Asra Q. Nomani explains that "the march really isn’t a 'women’s march.' It’s a march for women who are anti-Trump.   As someone who voted for Trump, I don’t feel welcome . . . ."

To most people, other than those on the far left, George Soros is the original Dr. Evil, so it's kind of funny to hear him accuse Donald "America First" Trump of being a dictator in waiting. Yet that's just what he did this week in an op-ed at Project Syndicate:
Open Society Needs Defending Well before Donald Trump was elected President of the United States, I sent a holiday greeting to my friends that read: “These times are not business as usual. Wishing you the best in a troubled world.” Now I feel the need to share this message with the rest of the world. But before I do, I must tell you who I am and what I stand for.

The leaked Podesta emails are providing a lot of insight into Hillary and her team, including tidbits that support suspicions long-held on the right and now seemingly confirmed. The latest example may implicate the Hillary campaign in illegal activity (yet again).  The emails in question appear to show the Hillary campaign engaged in illegal coordination with George Soros. The Daily Caller reports:
Leaked emails from Hillary Clinton campaign manager John Podesta’s personal email account published by WikiLeaks reveal the Clinton campaign’s coordination with George Soros’s Open Society Foundations on the subject of police reform.

One of the mysteries of the anti-Israel "non-governmental organization" (NGO) movement is the sources of funding. NGO Monitor has done a great job tracking some of the funding particularly for Israeli NGOs, and groups involved in the BDS movement, such as Jewish Voice for Peace. In 2013, NGO Monitor also explored (pdf.) the role of George Soros' foundations, including the Open Society Foundations, in funding a wide range of anti-Israel NGOs. A recent hack of the Open Society Foundations, sheds even more light with documentary evidence of a Soros-funded anti-Israel ecosystem feeding off each other to delegitimize Israel. The Jewish Press reported on the circular nature of the funding. Soros funds groups directly, and other groups that fund other groups. He created an anti-Israel ecosystem:
Jewish Hungarian-American business magnate George Soros, whose company files were hacked by the same outfit that in June hacked the DNC computers, was a major contributor to anti-Israel and anti-Zionist causes, as appears from an archive of leaked documents of the DC Leaks website... The list of groups hostile to Zionism and to the Jewish State that received funds from Soros is very long:

The US State Department is criticizing Israel's proposed "Transparency Law," suggesting that Israelis should not know when foreign governments are influencing their domestic politics. If enacted, the current version of the Transparency Law would deem an Israeli Non-Governmental Organization ("NGO") a foreign agent if it receives more than 50% of its budget from foreign government sources.  The NGO would then be required to disclose that it is a foreign agent in publications and political tracts, and to disclose foreign donors. The impetus behind the Transparency Law is Israel's increasingly hostile NGO community, such NGO's propaganda value to Israel's enemies, and their overwhelmingly non-Israeli financing.  Gerald Steinberg of Bar Ilan University and NGO Monitor has explained the problem:

One of the things that I find amusing about the Democrats' war on the Koch brothers is the fact that it seems to be based more in projection than in fact.  George Soros is notoriously behind and/or involved in a slew of progressive initiatives, websites, and assorted pot stirrings. It's usually a good idea to know what the opposition is thinking, so it's worth taking a look at the article he penned for The Guardian entitled "The terrorists and demagogues want us to be scared. We mustn't give in."   In it, Soros claims that terrorists have discovered that western, "open" societies have a key weakness that can be exploited:  a fear of death. Note how he singles out France's response to the Paris attacks as being particularly "irrational" (as we'll see, he's quite happy with America's president's non-response to terrorism.):
Open societies are always endangered. This is especially true of America and Europe today, as a result of the terrorist attacks in Paris and elsewhere, and the way that America and Europe, particularly France, have reacted to them.

Remember when Harry Reid and other Democrats thought they could retain control of the Senate by demonizing the Koch brothers? In November of 2014 that strategy proved to be a loser---but Democrats learned nothing. Sean Sullivan and Anne Gearan of the Washington Post reported yesterday:
Democrats see new chance to attack Kochs after $1 billion spending announcement Forget Jeb, Rand and Ted. For Democrats, it’s all about Charles and David. The announcement this week that the vast political network backed by the wealthy industrialist Koch brothers aims to spend nearly $1 billion on the 2016 elections has reignited Democratic hopes of casting the brothers as electoral villains and linking them closely to Republican candidates. It’s a campaign strategy that yielded little success for the party in 2014, a banner year for the GOP. But Democratic officials and operatives say they are hopeful that their anti-Koch message will have more potency in a presidential election year.
Sally Kohn, who somehow has a job writing for CNN, jumped right on the bandwagon:
A better way for the Kochs to spend their millions Here comes spendageddon! To influence the 2016 elections, oil barons Charles and David Koch have pledged that their political network will spend $889 million, media reports say. Basically -- wrap your head around this if you can -- the ultra-conservative Koch brothers want to keep their business and personal taxes as low as possible and keep regulations on the energy industry as low as possible. And if they get their way, that $889 million in money donated by the Kochs and others to the groups they founded, will turn out to be just a drop in the bucket, a small investment for which they stand to gain much more in tax breaks and free pollution.
I fail to see how the libertarian Kochs, who favor gay marriage and the legalization of marijuana, qualify as "ultra-conservative"; but I'm clearly not as smart as Ms. Kohn.

Brace yourselves...executive action on immigration policy is coming. Next week, President Obama is scheduled to reveal a 10-point, comprehensive immigration reform plan through executive action. The plan's most controversial provisions would expand deferred action and halt deportations for millions of illegal immigrants. Although Republicans have repeatedly warned Obama against going over the heads of the House and Senate on the issue of immigration, the President has vowed "not to wait" for Congress to act. Republican warnings don't seem to have as much persuasive power as donor dollars, and Obama has those flowing in by the bucket. Immigration reform has become a pet project of the left, and over the last decade left wing organizations and NGOs have pumped millions into groups backing radical immigration reform---and now those groups are expecting Obama to keep his promise to stop deportations.
The calls started shortly after President Obama’s news conference on the day after the midterm elections. He had said he would go ahead with action on immigration before year’s end, in spite of warnings from Republicans that he could wreck relations with the new Congress they will control. White House officials were calling immigrant advocates to talk strategy and shore up their support. The officials wanted to reassure them, several activists said, that the president, after delaying twice this year, was ready to take the kind of broad measures they had demanded to shield immigrants here illegally from deportation. The White House calls — and the president’s decision itself — reflected the clout the immigrant movement has built up in recent years, as it grew from a cluster of scattered Washington lobbying groups into a national force. A vital part of that expansion has involved money: major donations from some of the nation’s wealthiest liberal foundations, including the Ford Foundation, the Carnegie Corporation of New York, the Open Society Foundations of the financier George Soros, and the Atlantic Philanthropies. Over the last decade those donors have invested more than $300 million in immigrant organizations, including many fighting for a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants.