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France Tag

We have covered for a decade the campus shout-downs and shut-downs of speakers, the incessant thought policing, the political correctness run amok, and in recent years, the cancel culture and repression of free expression. We also have documented how the campus culture has migrated to the broader culture, reflected in Big Tech censorship and repression.

Last month's beheading of a Paris school teacher and the subsequent terror attack in the city of Nice appear to be connected, evidence uncovered by the French investigators shows. The Tunisian Muslim immigrant, Brahim al-Aouissaoui, who beheaded a 70-year old woman and two other worshipers in Nice's Notre Dame church may have been in personal contact with the Russian-Chechen Muslim refugee who beheaded Samuel Paty, the 47-year-old Parisian middle school teacher.

An unidentified gunman shot a Greek Orthodox priest on Saturday afternoon at a church in the French city of Lyon. The priest sustained serious injuries and is "fighting for his life," news reports said. Police have launched a manhunt around the city. "Security and emergency personnel are at the scene," France's Interior Ministry said, urging people to "avoid the area" where the shooting took place.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Monday called for a boycott of French goods over the country's response to a school teacher's beheading in Paris.

"Never give credit to French-labelled goods, don't buy them," he said in a televised speech. "I am calling to all my citizens from here to never help French brands or buy them."