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German authorities have investigated hundreds of internet users over comments they made on a Facebook video posted by the right-wing Alternative for Germany (AfD) party. The massive probe, spanning over 250 investigations, was launched in response to the live streaming of a migrant protest by the Bavarian-wing of the AfD party in 2017, German media disclosed on Saturday. Some 97 people were fined and three others were to face incitement charges in the court, the weekly Der Spiegel reported.

Facebook is going overboard in an attempt to make sure nobody gets their feelings hurt on the platform. Pro-life activist Domenico Bettinelli claimed that Facebook deleted a quote from St. Augustine because it violated the platform's Community Standards on hate speech.

Glenn Reynolds launched Instapundit in August 2001, which laid a key foundation stone down for the publication and dissemination of independent conservative news and opinion over the past 18 years. "Instalanches" have blessed Legal Insurrection with many links. Over the past 18 years, Reynolds has observed the deterioration of social media and shared his observations and experiences in a new publication: The Social Media Upheaval. I had a chance to read it last week, and I wanted to share my thoughts about his most recent work.

We may have entered the next phase of social media evolution, in which the networks will have to change to meet the needs of the American market or dies. One company has had enough of Facebook. CrossFit, the popular fitness and lifestyle program, terminated its relationship with Facebook and Instagram, citing security and privacy concerns.

Legal Insurrection readers are acutely aware of the deplatforming and silencing of conservative voices across social media and via outlets like Amazon. The latest victim to get slammed by the iron-hand of Big Tech is President Trump’s chief social media guru, Dan Scavino. Facebook blocked his account for simply responding to a question from a reader.

In December, I blogged about a New York Times report that described how Democratic tech experts adopted Russian tactics supposedly used in the 2016 election in order to help Democrat Doug Jones defeat Republican Roy Moore in the Alabama Senate race in 2017. Three more reports have come out detailing how Democrat operatives, funded by LinkedIn founder Reid Hoffman (who launched fake political pages and ads on Facebook during the midterms in November) while another group did the same in the Alabama Senate race.

Joel Kaplan, Facebook's vice president of public policy, sent the social media giant into a tizzy after he supported his friend Brett Kavanaugh at the Senate Judiciary Committee hearings. He apologized for the stir, but did not apologize for supporting his friend. In fact, Kaplan threw a party to celebrate the confirmation of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh.

Over 100 Facebook employees have spoken out against the social media giant's "intolerant" political culture after one of them posted about the problem on the company's internal message board. Senior Facebook engineer Brian Amerige posted a two-page memo titled "We Have a Problem With Political Diversity," which claims that employees "are quick to attack—often in mobs—anyone who presents a view that appears to be in opposition to left-leaning ideology."

From Big Tech taking orders from the questionable SPLC to the Big Tech coordinated removal of Alex Jones from social media, from YouTube "fact-checking" climate change materials and PragerU to Facebook and Twitter shadow-banning and/or suspending conservative and right-leaning voices, Big Tech has been in full censorship mode in recent months. Their targets are almost exclusively Republicans, conservatives, and those who identify as right-leaning. President Trump came out strongly against Big Tech, stating that "Social Media is totally discriminating against Republican/Conservative voices. Speaking loudly and clearly for the Trump Administration, we won’t let that happen."

Should Republican congressional candidate Elizabeth Heng win California's 16th district seat this November, I might suggest she send the social justice brigade in charge of monitoring Facebook videos a big "Thank You." The social media giant's video team blocked one of her ads, but changed their mind once they received backlash.

Facebook users will have an entirely new way to consume news. Later this summer, just ahead of the 2018 midterms, Facebook Watch will roll out several shows from various news networks, including a nightly show featuring CNN's Anderson Cooper.

Tuesday morning Facebook users found a weird new option -- the ability to mark posts as "hate speech." My entire timeline was full of posts skewering the latest Facebook feature. Then, without warning, the report-everything-you-don't-like-without-recognizing-the-subjectivity-of-your-actions option vanished.

This is perfect. Bad Lip Reading is one of my favorite things on the internet, so I was thrilled to see they finally got around to Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg's hearing before joint Senate committees. If you're not familiar with their work, BLR dubs over movies, sports and political clips with their own randomly synced script. They never disappoint.