What a day to get this email
And I don't even maintain an office in Massachusetts. But I am a member of the Bar. Bar Association dues are for the little people, and suckers. ...
And I don't even maintain an office in Massachusetts. But I am a member of the Bar. Bar Association dues are for the little people, and suckers. ...
Twila Barnes, the Cherokee genealogist who has been so instrumental in uncovering Elizabeth Warren's ethnic deception, has a final pre-election post, I Am Blessed: I have been blessed with a tremendous amount of support while involved in the Elizabeth Warren genealogy research. Today I would like...
Hollywood and progressive groups have been funding Elizabeth Warren since day one. This video released yesterday is a virtual freak show of Hollywood progressives supporting Warren, including the foul Sarah Silverman. For good measure, they throw in a few Democratic politicians, including Sheldon "Opposition to Obamacare is...
I don't know what's going to happen Tuesday. The polls, with just a couple of exceptions, say Elizabeth Warren is ahead. I still believe in miracles. How can that be, many of us wonder, given her ethnic impersonation and other questionable aspects of her political persona. You...
Does it never end? Elizabeth Warren is sticking by her claim that she is Native American despite the mountain of proof otherwise and the near-complete debunking of her family lore.. In this recent interview with a Local ABC affiliate at her home, Warren was asked about whether there was anything...
Warren tried to prevent four families who lost loved ones from getting their day in court...
The current Mayor and several former Mayors of Worcester, MA, held an "endorsement rally" for Elizabeth Warren yesterday: Mayor Joe Petty, along with Lt. Gov. Tim Murray and other Democrats, will lead an endorsement rally in front of Worcester City Hall at 9 a.m. “I’m proud to...
I was just on Nightside with Dan Rea on WBZ 1030 in Boston, a Super Station which covers all of Massachusetts and then some, talking about my latest research on Elizabeth Warren (check back in the morning for more on that). I was pleased to announce the creation...
Kimball Political Consulting, a Republican leaning firm but one which has not been overly generous in its results for Scott Brown to date (it had Warren up 2 in mid-October), finds Brown up by 2 in a poll just released: Senator Scott Brown holds a 2...
In the past two days two wildly differing polls have been released, one showing Scott Brown up 2, the other showing Elizabeth Warren up by 7. Polling from last week showed Warren ahead by 5. AP via Boston Globe reports: A new poll is giving an edge...
One of the great successes of Elizabeth Warren's campaign has been to destroy the concept of truth and falsity when it comes to ancestry. What you believe, or what you were told, becomes the operative standard. The effect has been to excuse Warren's ethnic fraud in the minds of...
Even two Democrats call out The Globe for "totally inappropriate" bias...
Cited in four briefs for absurdity of racial preferences....
An Op-ed at The NY Times by Judy Bolton-Fasman tells you everything you need to know about how far Elizabeth Warren supporters will go to excuse Warren's ethnic fraud, All My Mother’s Stories. In the Op-ed, Bolton-Fasman concludes that the truth of the family lore doesn't...
No one expresses feigned outrage quite as well as Elizabeth Warren. Warren, who assumed a false Native American identity for employment purposes while climbing the law professor ladder and explained it away by playing on ethnic stereotypes of Indians having high cheekbones, is upset. Scott Brown said he...
First it was union members being fined for not picketing for Elizabeth Warren. Then it was Warren supporters taunting a gay staffer with Scott Brown's campaign. Now black supporters of Scott Brown have received the sort of racially based taunts that we have seen directed in the...
Attack the messenger is the defense once again....
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