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Day Deux of Joe Scarborough's tirade against the Trump admin's handling of the executive order on immigration. On today's Morning Joe, Scarborough condemned the admin's accusation that acting AG Sally Yates had "betrayed" the Justice Department by refusing to enforce the executive order. Scarborough repeatedly called the use of the word "frightening," suggesting it was worthy of an "autocrat" in a country like Venezuela. Scarborough then turned the tables, saying that Stephen Miller, Steve Bannon, and Trump himself had "betrayed" Defense Secretary Mattis, DHS head John Kelly, and others by failing to provide them details of the order before it was made public. Scarborough expressed outrage that Stephen Miller and others in the administration apparently believed they could not trust those heroes with a secret.

Mental health scientists will surely add a new term the next time they gather: Trumpophobia, the fear of all things pertaining to America's new president. Trumpophobia is not confined to the usual set of social justice warriors, either. Supposedly reasoned and experienced scientists have become unhinged over the past week, as Trump vigorously began fulfilling campaign promises.

President Trump met with his first foreign leader today -- UK Prime Minister Theresa May. From The Telegraph:
Mr Trump made sure to show Mrs May the bust of Winston Churchill which he returned to the the office. Standing alongside Mrs May, Mr Trump pointed to the bust and said: "This is the original. It's a great honour to have Winston Churchill back." A smiling Mrs May responded: "Thank you, we were very pleased that you accepted it back." At one point Mr Trump had a large lamp moved to give the cameras a better view.

Hundreds of thousands of people have arrived in Washington, D.C., for the March For Life, a yearly event to promote life and urge an end to Roe v Wade. Vice President Mike Pence will make history as the first sitting VP to speak live at the event. President Donald Trump tweeted his support of the march Friday.

Earlier today, Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto canceled a visit to America after President Donald Trump told him to do so if Mexico refuses to pay for the border wall. Despite the cancellation, Trump and his administration has not backed down on making Mexico pay for the wall. Today, Press Secretary Sean Spicer released details how Trump plans to make it happen:
In remarks to reporters, press secretary Sean Spicer said a plan was “taking shape now” to institute a 20% tax on imports from countries with which the U.S. runs a trade deficit, “like Mexico.” Mr. Spicer later told reporters that this was one of several ideas being considered by the White House to “demonstrate that paying for the wall can be done.” Mr. Trump’s chief of staff, Reince Priebus, said the administration was considering “a buffet of options.”

Top officials have resigned at the State Department before the Senate has confirmed former ExxonMobil CEO Rex Tillerson for Secretary of State. The Washington Post reported:
Then suddenly on Wednesday afternoon, [undersecretary for management Patrick] Kennedy and three of his top officials resigned unexpectedly, four State Department officials confirmed. Assistant Secretary of State for Administration Joyce Anne Barr, Assistant Secretary of State for Consular Affairs Michele Bond and Ambassador Gentry O. Smith, director of the Office of Foreign Missions, followed him out the door. All are career foreign service officers who have served under both Republican and Democratic administrations.

Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto has canceled a trip to the United States after President Donald Trump told him to if Mexico refuses to pay for the border wall. Translation: This morning we have informed the White House that I will not attend the meeting scheduled for next Tuesday with the @POTUS.

President Donald Trump will address a few executive orders from the Department of Homeland Security, including a wall on the border with Mexico, immigration, CIA black sites, and declaring the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organization. It's his first visit with DHS Secretary John Kelly. We have a live feed after the jump. I will provide tweets and updates as it goes.

Over the course of the general election campaign, Hollywood's celebrities donated money, time, and sometimes questionable talent to elect Hillary Clinton as President. After Donald Trump's victory, there were a stream of celebrity videos deriding the electoral college, trying to sway electors from formalizing the Nov. 8th results, patting themselves on the back for surviving, and dramatically swearing the Oath to the U.S. Constitution. All of this drama has had zero net effect... so far. As Donald Trump reviews how to effectively cut the bloated U.S. budget, it is being reported that he is weighing approval of elimination of two cultural institutions that have been are the bane of many conservatives (or those who enjoy art with class, taste, and dignity).

President Donald Trump will sign a bunch of executive orders today over national security issues, including a wall along the border of America and Mexico and policy against sanctuary cities. Trump will visit the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) where he will sign all the orders. Trump made immigration the cornerstone of his campaign, often talking about a wall along the border and stopping Syrian refugees from entering the country. According to the Associated Press, one person in the administration said the proposals "included a ban on entry to the U.S. for at least 30 days from countries including Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Yemen, though the person cautioned the details could still change."

President Trump's "America First" Inauguration speech has been parodied in a comedy video from the Netherlands. A news satire show, Zondag Met Lubach, released a fake tourism advertisement aimed at Trump. It's worth watching past the trite, Trump-bashing introduction in Dutch for the hilarity that then ensures in English (the very best language).

Monday, President Trump's pen was very busy signing 3 executive orders, withdrawing the U.S. from the Trans Pacific Partnership, defunding International Planned Parenthood, and freezing the hiring of federal workers. His phone was also very busy. He made a supportive call to Egypt's President Abdel-Fattah el-Sisi, indicating essentially military aide would continue to support the regional fight against Islamic extremist terrorists.
White House press secretary Sean Spicer said Monday that Trump and President Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi discussed ways to deepen the bilateral relationship between the two countries, fight terrorism and boost Egypt's struggling economy. ...Egypt is the second largest recipient of U.S. military aid.