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President Donald Trump has told Chinese President Xi Jinping that he will honor the "One China" policy, which should ease tensions between the two presidents. From The Financial Times:
The White House released a statement after the FT reported the call between the two men, saying that Mr Trump had agreed “at the request of President Xi” to honour the "one China" policy. “The phone call between President Trump and President Xi was extremely cordial, and both leaders extended best wishes to the people of each other's countries. They also extended invitations to meet in their respective countries," the White House said.

Morning Joe came down with a bad case of the vapors this morning, clutching its collective pearls [to mix metaphors] over President Trump's comments about the court currently hearing the case on the executive order on immigration. Jon Meacham said that Trump was "messing with the Magna Carta," of all things! Joe Scarborough upped the anxiety ante, saying "the historical precedents are chilling. I don't even want to mention their names, but some of the dangerous autocrats of the 20th century, their two goals were to, first, undermine an independent judiciary and, second, to undermine a free press." Gee, wonder with which "dangerous autocrat" of the 20th-century—whose name one dared not speak—Scarborough was lumping Trump?

Democrats are doing everything they can to obstruct the confirmation of Trump's team. It's not doing much good considering the fact that Betsy DeVos and Jeff Sessions have been confirmed in the last few days. Their strategy is simple. If they can't stop Trump's nominees, they'll just try to damage them as much as possible. Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer had a different attitude about this a few years ago, however. Philip Wegmann reports at the Washington Examiner:
Did Chuck Schumer think we'd just forget about 2013? Thanks to Google, there's no such thing as the memory hole. Just about everything is neatly archived on the Internet forever, including Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer's hypocritical political record on presidential nominees.

Legal Insurrection readers may recall my previous review of Don Surber's Trump the Press. Surber, a recovering journalist with over 30 years of experience, consolidated his many blog posts on the woefully inaccurate punditry concerning Donald Trump’s campaign for his first book. The second, Trump the Establishment, features his analysis of the presidential campaign that led to Trump's stunning defeat of Hillary Clinton.

After the election, some Democrats and people in media claimed that "fake news" played a role in Trump's victory. In recent weeks however, the media has made itself look absolutely foolish through a rash of false news reports. David Rutz of the Washington Free Beacon put together a two minute reel full of examples:
2 Minutes of Mainstream Media Backtracking Really Put ‘Fake News’ Into Perspective After her surprise presidential election loss to Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton warned about the scourge of fake news that gripped social media during the campaign.

New England Patriots tight end Martellus Bennett has announced he will skip the team's trip to the White House when President Donald Trump honors them. The Patriots defeated the Atlanta Falcons in a thrilling Super Bowl on Sunday night:
"I haven't thought about it. I am not going to go," the New England Patriots tight end said. "I can elaborate later on in life; right now I am just trying to enjoy this ... People know how I feel about it, just follow me on Twitter."

UK House of Commons Speaker John Bercow has announced he does not want President Donald Trump to speak at Parliament during a state visit. Bercow does not want any Members of Parliament (MP) to face backlash over the president's speech. So if Trump does make a speech, he may have to give it at the Royal Gallery instead of Westminster Hall, which was built in the 11th century. The Royal Gallery came into completion "800 years later and currently covered in scaffolding." British Prime Minister Theresa May invited Trump when she met with him last week at the White House.

So the left lost its mind because President Donald Trump said America isn't so innocent after Fox News's Bill O'Reilly stated that Russian President Vladimir Putin is a killer. I don't blame them. Putin is a killer. He's a schemer that will do anything to grab what he wants. But where was this outrage in 2008 when then-presidential nominee Senator Barack Obama wanted to start over with Russia? Where was this outrage when then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton handed Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov a reset button?

The Treasury Department has announced new sanctions against Iran after the regime performed a ballistic missile test earlier this week. From CNN:
The Treasury Department said it was sanctioning individuals and companies connected to Iran's ballistic missile program and those providing support to Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps' Qods Force.

Earlier this week, Iran performed a ballistic missile test in defiance of a UN resolution. President Donald Trump's White House officially put Iran on notice for more consequences if the regime has more tests. The regime has laughed at the threats:
"This is not the first time that an inexperienced person has threatened Iran," [President Adviser Ali Akbar] Velayati said. "Iran is the strongest power in the region and has a lot of political, economic and military power ... America should be careful about making empty threats to Iran."

As the left loses its collective mind over immigration, President Donald Trump has decided to keep President Barack Obama's executive order that protects the LGBTQ community in the workplace. From The New York Post:
“President Donald J. Trump is determined to protect the rights of all Americans, including the LGBTQ community. President Trump continues to be respectful and supportive of LGBTQ rights, just as he was throughout the election,” White House press secretary Sean Spicer said in a Tuesday morning statement.