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Democrats Tag

The Daily Caller's Luke Rosiak continues to do a great job with the story about Rep. Debbie Wasserman Shultz's former IT aide Irwan Awan and his family. The publication received a memo dated February 3, 2017, from Congress's top cop Sergeant-at-Arms Paul Irving to the Committee on House Administration (CHA). Irving and Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) Phil Kiko wrote that the House Democratic Caucus's server disappeared after it became evidence in the cybersecurity probe against Awan. The two men "concluded that the employees [Democratic systems administrator Imran Awan and his family] are an ongoing and serious risk to the House of Representatives, possibly threatening the integrity of our information systems and thereby members’ capacity to serve constituents.”

We've been covering the effects of the 2016 election on the left, and we aren't the only ones who've noticed just how depraved and debased Democrats and the left have become. The #WalkAway movement consists of free-thinking liberals who are horrified by what has become of their side, of the Democratic Party, and they are posting videos and social media shares on why they have chosen to #WalkAway.

The Democrats are desperate to crash the House and Senate in November, taunting the right that a blue wave is coming their way. Do they even know what is considered a wave in elections? I guess not because analysis from Ballotpedia shows the Democrats that it's not just taking over the House and Senate. In order for an actual wave to happen, the Democrats have to win a lot more seats than they need to control Congress.

Last week as Trump arrived at the U.S. Capitol, a young woman screamed "Mr. President, f*** you!" That person has now been identified as an intern for New Hampshire Democrat Senator Maggie Hassan. The intern has been suspended but not fired.

There has been a lot of buzz about actress Cynthia Nixon and her Bernie-esque challenge to Andrew Cuomo in the race for governor of New York. Nixon has garnered support from many in the progressive wing of the Democratic party and even some conservatives who would love to see Cuomo unseated. It might not be enough, however.

An Iowahawk tweet is frequently posted at Instapundit, which notes that the press decides which stories to cover . . . with a pillow, until they stop moving. As the dust settles from the 2018 primary season and we head into the general election phase, I thought it might be fun to highlight a few items being smothered by our media related to their treasured progressive narratives.

Democrats have a real problem on their hands. Almost all of the energy is in the Bernie wing of the party, but rank and file Democrats are bothered by the fact that Bernie isn't even a party member.

Senate Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) has started to apply pressure on those in her party to oppose the GOP "minibus" spending package that will likely hit the floor on Friday. The minibus bill has "three appropriation bills: Energy and Water, Legislative Branch, and Military Construction and Veterans Affairs." Rejecting this bill could lead to a shutdown.

One would think the Democratic legislature of New Jersey would be eager to pass a tax hike on millionaires now that the state has a Democratic governor. After all, they passed the hike five times during the tenure of Republican Chris Christie even though they knew he would veto it. Gov. Phil Murphy has proposed "$1.7 billion in new taxes and other revenue to pay for public schools, public-employee pensions and other priorities." His fellow Democrats have "balked" at this idea along with a rise in sales tax.

A new HBO documentary called “The Final Year” examines the last days of the Obama administration. One clip in particular has gone viral. It features Ben Rhodes, the Obama staffer who played a key role in the Iran Deal.

Axios ran an article this morning about how the Democratic black women running for Congress "feel slighted by Democrats." 43 black women have decided to run for seats in the chambers, but only Lauren Underwood has received "backing of the national campaign organization." The Democrat Party praises itself for being the progressive party and often props up black causes and people. DIVERSITY! Is this a case of actions speak louder than words? Maybe the Democrats are just like the GOP and care more about winning than sex and race as they've led many to believe.